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I need a response! Possible reward!

Here you can get help with applying those different MODifications for Freelancer

Post Fri Jul 02, 2004 8:09 pm

I need a response! Possible reward!

I am not sure witch forum to put this message in. I am looking for a very simple type of mod. I can't find it in the Freelander download or mods sections, i need a mod,cheat,script or what you will, that will simply let you Mount other missiles than cruise disrupters on thair mount. All that I have seen do more (alot more). I am not looking to raddicly change the game, I just want to Play through it, learn,figure-out and deeply understand it. It will probobly take quite-a-few completions of it, and these add-ons directly defy that. I have played thru and eventually understood a number of great games. I recently finished X-2 the threat and Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic. I played thru freelancer years ago, once and i have recently noticed it's potental. From what i remember-and know of my tacticts and stratigy i never used missiles cause of the levels of guns. I am sorry this is so long. Oh, The reward, is sort of, un-orthadox.


Commador out ('-')

Edited by - cade foster on 7/3/2004 2:13:47 AM

Post Fri Jul 02, 2004 10:26 pm

there is an simple mod, iam not sure what the name is but if i remember right it lets you add missles to torpedo hard points. it was fairly resently out, think an few months back. sorry i couldnt help more...

anyone know if there is an lvl editor out?

Post Sat Jul 03, 2004 1:10 am

i need to know! It is urgent.

Post Sat Jul 03, 2004 1:43 am

Modding huh ?
I'd check in the Modding Tutorial forum, I *kind of* remember something about adding Hardpoints ......

Post Sat Jul 03, 2004 2:37 am

that mod was pulled from here as it could be used online

Post Sat Jul 03, 2004 5:16 am

Oh I remember that mod.

A few of the larger ones have it too don't they? I don't remember exactly but didn't some of the Starfyre mods have that? If not it's easily made youself.

Post Mon Jul 05, 2004 6:04 pm

I can probly do it if you still need it done it's easiest to just edit your character to do it

Post Mon Jul 05, 2004 6:49 pm

Check Here first...then Here then ... Here ...then Here ...then maybe even here or even here

Click away!

Edited by - Stinger on 7/5/2004 7:49:39 PM

Post Tue Jul 06, 2004 12:52 am

LOL, Thanks i thought this whas deleted i even made a new one. I deleted it. Though if the other ships are altered i will need one that only does what i said. Plus I *ONLY* Wanted the Disrupter slot Free. This may make me sound dumb, but How Do you runn this?

Edited by - cade foster on 7/6/2004 2:22:26 AM

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