Post Mon Jul 21, 2003 3:04 pm

Need herlp installing Next Generation mods

Ok here's what I've done:

Downloaded Next Generation Vs 1.2 in .zip.flmod format and installed it with FLMM.

Downloaded Next Generation Vs 1.3 Patch in zip.flmod format and installed it with FLMM (although they conflict???!!)

Downloaded Next Generation Vs. 1.4 Patch in zip.flmod format and insatlled it with FLMM BUT it says there's an error and recommends me to backup the files. Either way all of the mods uninstall. What is going on? On the readme it says to check whether all the exe files are readme only but none of them are! Everyone suses it on the multiplayer servers... Can someone please help me? Ive been trying to get it working for 10 hours... Seriously...