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Deactivating mod resulting into FL crashing

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Post Sun Jun 22, 2003 8:34 pm

Deactivating mod resulting into FL crashing


i've been visiting these forums for a while now, and i must say: these tutorials and descriptions about modding ships and weapons have been a great help.
I've modded the bretonian gunboat for personal use, and it's near completement (some final weapon tweaking and then it should be ready).

Activating my mod, and flying around in the ship seems to be going fine,
however, i've encountered a problem when I DEactivate my mod:

Freelancer seems to crash every single time at startup if i don't have the mod activated.

I've noticed the same problem with the "CheapRealisticBattleship' mod, but i cannot figure out the error.
Can someone help me?

Edited by - -jabber- on 22-06-2003 21:36:59

Post Sun Jun 22, 2003 9:10 pm


is it possible that some new-ship involved mods simply don't work with the No_story mod?

Post Mon Jun 23, 2003 1:55 am

If you have any saved games made while owning that ship (including the autosave), Freelancer will crash at startup if that ship mod is deactivated because that ship doesn't exist any more. You'll need to delete the saved games you made with that mod active, either in-game with that mod active, or manually by deleting files in the saved game directory.

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