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Rebalance 1.6 SP Mission 9 problem

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Post Wed Jun 18, 2003 6:13 pm

Rebalance 1.6 SP Mission 9 problem

The 4 diamond-shaped shield generators at Tekagi's Arch in Mission 9 are incredibly difficult to destroy. I was using the Tie Fighter with 6 Class (6) guns and it took several minutes to destroy one generator.

I don't know if this was how it was intended to be, forcing us to seek out quality wrecks for better weapons (Sigma-13, perhaps). The Tie I am using has 6 Class (10) gun bays so I can probably try it with some better weapons. Otherwise, the Mission 8 problem is completely fixed and the Mod has not crashed once on me.

"Without Mods, this game is toast!"

Post Wed Jun 18, 2003 7:56 pm

Well I got past it. I was using the Tie Defender, actually. I had to raid Sigma-13 wrecks and load up on class-10 weps. I still failed to survive, because the weps were draining power so fast. I then picked up the Upgrade Power Plant MKIII for 275,000 credits (not exactly a bargain). After doing that, I succeeded in destroying the generators, but it still took at least 5 minutes (I hurled 40 starkillers at them as well). Anyway, i think their hit points should be reduced to 25% of what they are now or maybe even lower. If anyone else runs into this, please reply.

"Without Mods, this game is toast!"

Post Wed Jun 18, 2003 8:35 pm

i ran into the same thing, i was using the phoenix, with class 5,6 and 7 weps and it took a load of time to destroy one of the generators, longer than it took to destroy the battleship gaurding the darn things

I think therefore i am....i think


Post Wed Jun 18, 2003 9:53 pm

Hi there,

yeah .. nearly indestructible .. that it seemed .. to me owning an A-Wing .. .. but as this is just the 9th mission and should be easily finished, I thought the rebalance editor might have had a small typo in the wrong place .-.

there it is .. goto your freelancer directory .. subdir data/solar .. and edit the solararch.ini .. (don´t forget to backup ) .. there look for "shield" and somewhere there will be an entry .. nickname = space_arch_generator .. the hp value will be 50000 .. which is way to much .. just change that to a number that sounds fine .. (between 500 and 5000) .. then all shall be well ..



It´s dead Jim.

Post Thu Jun 19, 2003 3:57 am

Thanks for the fix. As I said, I pulled it off with the class 10 weps and the power plant upgrade, but anyone else who runs into this can avoid the frustration by using c13's fix. Thanks.

"Without Mods, this game is toast!"

Post Fri Jun 20, 2003 2:49 am

I thought that was intentional to make the game harder. I had a Hercules fighter with the Vampire weaponry. It took about two minutes to destroy. I could take out Kusari gunboats in about 15 seconds with such a powerful loadout and the battleship gaurding the thing went down in about thirty seconds. Yeah, I think it crosses the line from fun to frustrating and/or monotonous.

Post Wed Jul 09, 2003 6:21 pm

Cheers C13 - an obvious typo

BTW I managed to kill 3 of the bastards with 4x lvl 6 and 2x lvl 5 cannons but it takes forever. Battleship was a joke - 8 torps (4 salvos of 2s) and it went poof. Get rid of the gun boats and you can actually get up to each generator to fire at it point blank being shielded by it while you're doing it from the neerby turrets! Still takes far too long, occasional "slips" in defences eat up nanobots and a couple of my hunting expeditions to get more nanobots ended up in "run away form battle" - I was firing at an enemy fer chrissakes!

Post Wed Jul 09, 2003 7:33 pm

Yes, definitely a typo. Check out the Next Generation Mod if you haven't already. It's gonna be the new standard for Freelancer (it has 3000 bugs in it at the moment, though).

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