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Will I lose existing MP characters if I install a MOD now?

Here you can get help with applying those different MODifications for Freelancer

Post Tue Jun 10, 2003 9:10 am

Will I lose existing MP characters if I install a MOD now?

The subject line says it all. If I install a mod will all characters have to start from scratch?



Post Tue Jun 10, 2003 6:45 pm

u shouldn't because the MP player files are stored remotely on the servers u vist.

best thing to do is backup your Freelancer folder before modding. that way you will not have to re-install. SOME MODS are not compatable with FLMM, and so they will wreck the freelancer requireing a reinstall.

also print out and save your "INstall ID" this like a multiplayer identification. without this unique number, you will lose all your characters.

Post Wed Jun 11, 2003 3:15 am

I should have worded my question more carefully. I am running the server on my own PC. I have a few players who have already created characters in the current (unmodded) environment. I need to know whether those characters will survive installing a mod on the server. I am not talking about installing a mod on a client machine.



Post Wed Jun 11, 2003 5:42 am

I would say yes, but the best way is to try it out yourself . Just backup the character files, apply the mod, and see what happens. If it doesn't work, and if it messes up the character files for some reason, just restore the backups.

Freelancer Mod Manager: newbies' dreams come true
Belief in Jesus: the only way to Heaven

Post Wed Jun 11, 2003 7:17 am

Where are the character files? These are the sort of dumb questions I was surprised there wasn't an FAQ for. I presume the server character files are in a different place to the SP ones.

I'm going to have to track all the files down - I want to set up an old PC as the server, so I want to copy the existing stuff across if possible instead of starting from scratch. Now if I could just get XP to install on the old machine so I can use something newer than Win98SE!


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