Post Tue Jun 10, 2003 7:10 am

Freelancer Rebalance MOD v1.4b problem

When i play the mod many things seem to be "invisible", mostly text and a few ships in game.

when in the multiplayer menu it asks you want to play online or on LAN. with the mod on all the text just isn't there and the buttons are blank, i can still join games fine (because i have remembered what all the buttons say so i know how to create players and so on without the text). it's no biggie but i still have some problems in game.
I play LAN games with my brother.

most text in game seems to have to word "debug" infront of it example
DEBUG: Player Apoch has died

debug only shows up when the writeing is red. also its in the multiplayer information screen everywhere

when i ask for rumors from people the whole rumor box is empty much like what happened in the multiplayer selection menu. also very few ships are invisible with the mod (the new ship my brother recently bought is invisible when i look at it from my computer).

I was wondering if anyone knows how to fix this problem, it may sound weird but i've tryed everything, iv'e tryed downloading new grafics drivers for my vid card, even tryed copying the whole freelancer directory from my brothers computer and it still dont work.

any help will be appricaited.