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Babylon 5 mod fix for some who need it like me!

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Post Tue Jun 10, 2003 6:33 am

Babylon 5 mod fix for some who need it like me!

hi hope this clears up some probs as i have had.

my prob was when i launched, the freelacer would close and minimize on the desktop. and would not reopen. Some one addressed this in another forum, but i wanted to clarify it a lil better.

when u install the B5 mod, the installer is in German (which i can;t read-lol), and set for a euro windows install.

how i fixed mine.

US windows freelancer dir is x:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Freelancer
Euro is x:\Programme\Microsoft Games\Freelancer
x= your "C:" drive for example
the Default install is to the Euro spec.

it took me a while without reading the readme to do this as it installed the mod to euro spec on my machine

I play on non modded servers also so i just backed up my entire ORIGNAL freelancer folder and put it on my other partition... then i copied the folder the mod installed in "programme" folder over my Original freelancer. as in I clicked "YES" to "there is a folder already called freelacer do you want to copy over it" dialogue.

it worked fine.

this mod has several bugs, but given time and some work it can be a great mod for the B5ers out there. I see it is a great work in progress.

altho i see ships in it not in B5 :\ i.e starwars, battlestar galactica etc.

Edited by - ZaP RowsDower on 10-06-2003 07:37:13

Post Wed Jun 11, 2003 6:39 pm

hi dude maybe u can help me.i am looking for servers that support mods
every server i tried to use a mod the server crashed and i am using the mod manager.

Post Sat Jun 14, 2003 6:10 pm

FLMM does not work with the B5 mod to many files have to be changed... i played it on the server called just "Babylon 5" under the server info it said b5 by,org or something that is the only one i have used.
you may need to get a password, cos it may be locked. not sure. it wasn;t for me. i don't have the IP handy tho.

hope that helps

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