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Rebalance not working

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Post Fri Jun 06, 2003 10:04 pm

Rebalance not working

I tried to use rebalance 1.1b2 with FLMM, but when I go to load one of my games it dumps to the desktop. Does anyone know what I need to do? I copied the SW ships to the ships file in FL along with some of the others, since I'm using Slave1. I've tried just using the rebalance mod, it with SW, but no go. If I use just the Sw mod everything is ok. I also tried doing the rebalance install without FLMM, but it still crashes to desktop, even before getting to the main menu.

Post Fri Jun 06, 2003 10:47 pm

Hello! I know just what youre talking about! I installed the Rebalance and it made so that the dealers wherent selling anything and I couldnt get missions! So I had to uninstall the game with all my savegames... I even had a Titan! A tip to everybody who reads this: DONT DOWNLOAD THIS MOD!

Post Fri Jun 06, 2003 10:48 pm

Actually it sounds like you guys just need to delete the auto-save file. I'm not sure but you may need to delete the restart file in the save folder as well.

Post Sat Jun 07, 2003 3:24 am

Thanks, I'll try that. While I'm asking, I tried to install the 1.4 mod from FLMM. It gets to the centurion.cmp file and then says:

Access to c:\program files\...\ships\custom\centurion\centurion.cmp was denied.

I tried to uncheck the read only, but no luck. Do I have to just do a complete install, or should it work from FLMM? Thanks

Post Sat Jun 07, 2003 4:23 am

I have the same problem as News. Anyone has a solution?

Post Sat Jun 07, 2003 5:13 am

yup download the new beta version of flmm - thread in general editing forum

please excuse me - its me birthday and im pissed as a fart but this should slove most of yur problems - ill post more specific replies when i sober up.

dr del

no wife ever beleived you "just missed" in the heat of the moment

Post Sat Jun 07, 2003 8:25 pm

Dr Del is right; FLMM v1.2 beta should fix all your problems .

Freelancer Mod Manager: newbies' dreams come true
Belief in Jesus: the only way to Heaven

Post Sun Jun 08, 2003 5:38 pm

Sounds like your having the read only problem when you unzip the Free balancer files to wherever, go to the new folder they are in and open its properties

down at the bottom it should say read only, and it will be checked, uncheck the box, and apply

apply the changes to all sub folders and files, now try to activiate the mod

Heres a question has anybody had issues with freighters cargo being used up even if there is nothing in the ship?

Post Sun Jun 08, 2003 9:13 pm

Got it all to work, thanks guys. As far as cargo space being used, if you get better armor or any of the other stuff in the rebalance, it takes up cargo space. Oh well.

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