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FMLL 1.1 Problems

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Post Fri Jun 06, 2003 5:56 am

FMLL 1.1 Problems

I downloaded this utility to bring more life to FL, but when i tried to Ativate mods , it said that various .ini files could not be opened, i have searched this site for days and have not found any FAQS or info on this problem, plz let me know if i need to alter something in the .ini's and what application i should use to edit them with

Thanx, Trent is an idiot (

Post Fri Jun 06, 2003 7:05 am

did you mean FLMM?

It kinda sounds like the mods you're installing aren't installing correctly...

You might wanna try:

Renaming the .zip.flmod extension to just .zip, and then checking the paths in the zip file to see where they'll extract to; If they go to their own folder, just extract em to the mods folder, located in the FL Mod Manager folder. If they don't have a set path, create a folder for the mod under the mods folder and just extract all the files from the zip there.

Edited by - The Mole on 06-06-2003 08:05:51

Edited by - The Mole on 06-06-2003 08:06:38

Post Fri Jun 06, 2003 8:31 am

Yah, or email IGx89 @ [email protected]

Post Fri Jun 06, 2003 1:49 pm

No, the files say they are being loaded correctly in the FLMM window, it is just when i try and activate them that it gives me the error message. It says that the .ini file involved (like shiparch.ini for example) cannot be opened. I suspect i have to decrypt them first before it will work, but not sure if i am doing it correctly, i am using Binilite, due to problems with BiniQDU and another i can't think of at this time. Thanx for the replies, and i hope we can solve the problem i am having.

Post Fri Jun 06, 2003 2:17 pm

sounds like you might be overcomplicating the issue..... FLMM will work out of the box, so to speak, without you having to decompress or edit anything... if you've made chages with BiniQDU this might in itself be the problem? FLMM will do all the work backing up and creating the ini files needed for the mods... unless the install path for FL is read-only or something?

Post Fri Jun 06, 2003 5:42 pm

i tried to use FLMM right out of the box, but none of the mods that came with the mod manager would load up either, without any tampering on my part. Is why i was asking if decrypting was required to get it to work, maybe it is just my Lame operating system (. Windows ME gives me more problems everyday i use this dang thing. Oh well, i want to use that Porches star wars pack for something different but it won't load up. Thanx for the replies and i guess i am stuck with FL as is ( lame )

Post Sat Jun 07, 2003 5:15 am

i'm getting a similar error trying to load rebalance. it says that it can't access the ships/custom/centurion/centurion.cmp because "access is denied"
I'm not exactly sure why it's doing that... but help is always appreciated

Post Sat Jun 07, 2003 7:00 pm

The reason you are getting the access denied message, is that some of the files in rebalance 1.4b are marked as read only.

Either go to a DOS prompt, change to the mod sub directory, and type "attrib /S /D -r" without the quotes,

OR right clcik the affected files in Explorer or My Computer and click properties and remove the read only flag.

Post Mon Jun 09, 2003 5:08 am

There's quite a lot of files that need to be changed. Just leep removing the readme tags and you'll get there. I think I removed around 20 of them.

Post Mon Jun 09, 2003 3:22 pm

Reddog23: Could you tell me exactly what the log says when you try to activate mods? That would greatly help me in finding out your problem

The access_denied problem, if you're still having it with v1.2 beta 3, will be fixed in beta 4. I should be releasing that in the next day or two .

Freelancer Mod Manager: newbies' dreams come true
Belief in Jesus: the only way to Heaven

Post Tue Jun 10, 2003 4:21 am

This mod manager sucks.Sorry but it does.I installed it, it came with 8 mods.I got rebal1.4 installed.Fixed the RO problems.After it said it was denied access to the exe ini files. It wont load anything.So I start up a game b/c my brother wants to see my eagle.And it activated ALL the mods it came with and rebal1.4.OK great.only I cant find anything (buttons, ect) to deactivate the other mods.I want to uninstall and I've back up my files but have no way to deactivate the mods.And for some reason my autosaves are gone, so in order to get rid of the mods I have to uninstall everything and reinstall including the game.The whole point of having a MM is to be able to EASILY activate/deactivate mods, this MM cant activate anything but a headache and has nothing in the way of deactivating.The FAQ has 4 questions on it and the troubleshooting takes you to the FAQ which has nothing to do with troubleshooting.My advice to anyone thinking about d/l this is, simple d/l the mod and place the files yourself,yea if you dont like it you have to fix it all but hey,you're going to have the same problem using this POS. gg

Post Wed Jun 11, 2003 1:03 am

Which version of FLMM are you using? If you're using v1.1, downloading v1.2beta should fix some of your problems.

What do you mean about it not letting you deactivate mods? Doesn't selecting a mod and clicking "deactivate" do it? Also, "Tools\Restore Backups" will almost always fix any problems that come up, by restoring Freelancer to its original state.

The FAQ\Troubleshooting doc is for both; the questions cover common problems people come across (hence also naming it "Troubleshooting".

Also, if you're having any other problems, let me know! I can't fix problems I don't know about .

Freelancer Mod Manager: newbies' dreams come true
Belief in Jesus: the only way to Heaven

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