If you didn't specifically get a static IP address when you got your internet access, than the 142.179... address will change. In other words it may be dynamically allocated.
As for what you see on your MP list in FL, that is a combination of what was retreived from the global server and what flserver's are on your own LAN (FL says you should only have one flserver on a LAN). I see it on my LAN except my flserver is on another 'puter seperate from my play 'puter. (is this the way you have it? sounds like it) In the MP list of servers the LAN box should say yes for your flserver and also show the LAN address of your home network ( Everyone else though will see your flserver through the global server and see your IP address assigned by your ISP (142.179... or whatever it may be).
And as genedefect mentioned, if you are making your flserver available to the world (connected to the internet) insure you have a firewall, preferably hardware. See several posts (several by me

) in the server forum for how to set up a tunnel through a gateway/firewall, a tunnel needed by flserver. Or email me.
If fact if every broadband user had a hardware firewall they would reduce many types of hacking significantly! But it's like UPS's (Uninturruptable Power Supplies), nobody thinks they need one until it's too late.
SysAdmin of Boston Freelancer server