Post Sun Mar 30, 2003 1:16 am

Server Mods and Player Characters and crashes

One of my servers installed a Mod, I thought great I'll try that. Played on that server for a few hours, took a break for food life etc. Now came back on tonight and found the admin had removed it due to lag it caused.

Ok so reading that in the news for the server. I uninstalled the Mod and rejoined, FL crashed. Reinstall FL and Arrgg found out you CANT paste the serial number in the edit window when reinstalling. No matter back to the game, joined in my normal character and FL crashed again.

So started testing:

1. on other servers I had visited, each worked.
2. tried a new character, that worked
3. last test reinstall the Mod in question and it worked finally.

So NB Server Admins if you plan on installing mods backup players characters before hand, so if you have to uninstall that mod you can put back a working character for each player. I dont want to have to keep installing something i will probally never use again.