I was playing freelancer, found all the systems all the ships, so i was very advanced, but suddenly the game stopped connecting to the global server, locking down on that screen. on single player the game still works fine, but when you've fought nomads who wants to fight with puny outcasts on New York? . I run windows ME and Windows XP on my system: on windows me i cant connect to the server on windows xp there are some big graphical problems with my voodoo 3, so now i cant run it on neither of them! need big help here!
reinstalled directx, freelancer, graphics card drivers, modem drivers, done a reset on my tcp/ip settings.
I was playing freelancer, found all the systems all the ships, so i was very advanced, but suddenly the game stopped connecting to the global server, locking down on that screen. on single player the game still works fine, but when you've fought nomads who wants to fight with puny outcasts on New York? . I run windows ME and Windows XP on my system: on windows me i cant connect to the server on windows xp there are some big graphical problems with my voodoo 3, so now i cant run it on neither of them! need big help here!
reinstalled directx, freelancer, graphics card drivers, modem drivers, done a reset on my tcp/ip settings.