Slow-motion Gameo *o*
I need help. (not that kind of help *_*)
I've been experiencing a game slowdown unlike anything you have ever seen before, a near-total game slowdown, everything from the in game cinematics to the menus to gameplay performance itself is moving at a snail's pace. Honto.-_-' Everything except the starting movies, u know, d microsoft logos, etc.
I don't get it. Even if i pull the performance tab in options to either end of the slider the game still slows. ?? *_* ?? And it's not a real laggy kinda slow but it's a rather smooth, lagless kinda slow, if you look at it u might not see anything wrong but i've seen Freelancer on my pal's PC and it's nothing like mine.
(Although it is easier to shoot the fighters but that's no fun!)
I'm running a:
AMD Athlon 1.2G
64 MB Radeon 7000
more than 256 RAM
1.44 g hard disk space free NTSC?? not FAT
800 mb virtual memory limit
pleze help!!! what's wrong wit me com??
See you Net Cowboy...Somewhere, Somewhen.