Advancing levels -> Probs solved
Foir all having read my previous thread about not advancing to level 2.
If you've copied your save game from the demo to real version then you
won't get higher levels. You have to restart.
This is pretty bad because I thought that continuing with a rather decent
equipment from the demo with the real game would save me some time
but I was dead wrong ))))
Normaly you reach level 2 when you come in after your hunt for the base
with King.
Just in case somebody else tried it my way and still is waiting for level 2
this thread could be made sticky )) In the tips/tricks section ))
If you've copied your save game from the demo to real version then you
won't get higher levels. You have to restart.
This is pretty bad because I thought that continuing with a rather decent
equipment from the demo with the real game would save me some time
but I was dead wrong ))))
Normaly you reach level 2 when you come in after your hunt for the base
with King.
Just in case somebody else tried it my way and still is waiting for level 2
this thread could be made sticky )) In the tips/tricks section ))