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Advancing levels -> Probs solved

The place to ask for technical help with running the demo or the full game...

Post Thu Mar 06, 2003 10:40 pm

Advancing levels -> Probs solved

Foir all having read my previous thread about not advancing to level 2.

If you've copied your save game from the demo to real version then you
won't get higher levels. You have to restart.

This is pretty bad because I thought that continuing with a rather decent
equipment from the demo with the real game would save me some time
but I was dead wrong ;-)))))

Normaly you reach level 2 when you come in after your hunt for the base
with King.

Just in case somebody else tried it my way and still is waiting for level 2
this thread could be made sticky ;-))) In the tips/tricks section ;-)))

Post Sat Mar 08, 2003 4:46 am


LOL, I just responded to your first post on this issue. So basically, there has been no change, a game restart is needed?



Post Sat Mar 08, 2003 5:27 pm

Yes, you do have to restart. Sorry for that. Did that too and decided to go a slightly different way this time by buying a Rhino ASAP.

Funny heavy beast ;-)))

Back to the topic. I also bin-compared the two safe file versions by creating
two with the demo and the full version at the exact same state in the game.
That is right after the start where it says "Go to the bar and look for jobs".

The comparison showed a lot more differences then I expected. Thought there
would be some kind of version information near the start but I was wrong.

Simply hex hacking that beast was not in the jar of options and only a restart
was left ;-)))) Pandora knew this first ;-))))


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