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OS system switch caused probs

The place to ask for technical help with running the demo or the full game...

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 4:33 am

OS system switch caused probs

A guy over at Freelancer HQ cant register and post here for some reason so im posting it here for him.

Hey I had just finished playing through the single player game and was starting to do trade runs and stuff like that to get better ships and that sort of thing. I was playing on windows98 and then the other day decided to upgrade to xp pro cuz i had it laying around and hadent installed it again. So I instal xp and install Freelancer again (i rememberd to save my games) and now when I go into the game the whole video aspect seems to be running in slow mo or at like half speed. The sound runs perfectly fine but its just the video that is so incrediably slow. This is not slow fps or laggyness on the part of my comp its just half spped video and fine sound. I dont know what the prob is cuz I have all the newest 4 in 1 drivers and det drivers, I have no clue what to do could anyone please help.
Specs: Athlon Xp +1700@2000
Maxtor 15 gig
Maxtor 80 gig
256meg Ram
Gf2 GTS 32meg
MsI Mobo

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 4:34 am

his name is Ghetto rice at freelancer hq

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 8:56 am

Are you positive the uninstall removed all of the old configuration files? try removing all the old ini files left behind (if there are any) and also check your 'My Documents' Folder, there is a folder their names 'My Games' it also stores some Freelancer setting that may not have been cleared during the uninstall/reinstall, try deleting that and see what happens.

Hope that helps,


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