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Brutal fps loss

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Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 10:36 am

Brutal fps loss

When i either use the cruise engines or use the trade routes my fps drop drastically, any one know why? config is p4 2.4 with 1gig of SDRAM, ati9700Pro

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 11:35 am

Read the readme.

There are problems with the ATI drivers and should be fixed in ATI's next driver release. Until then, just lower the graphics acceleration down a knotch.

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Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 4:16 pm

EB, i'm not sure this is the same as when text menus are open during the gfx engine part...

If your refering the slow down and mouse lag when you have menus open while flying, then the FAQ applies.

I have noticed very little lag during trade-lane travel...more of a skip effect which i'm not sure is an FPS issue at all, can't put my finger on it though. But it's definetly not brutal. As for fps loss while using the cruise engine, i dont have that at all.

My config is alot like yours

Gigabyte Radeon 9700pro
512 MB DDR333
Gigabyte 8PE667 Mobo
40GB Maxtor 7200 drive
XP Home+SP1

running at 1024x768@32bpp
using the latest 3.1 Catalyst drivers
AA set to x6, AF set to x16 smooth as a baby's butt.

I suggest you d/l and use FRAPS, it's a util to calculate FPS in D3D. Just to verify what your seeing. Also, reduce your Radeon's hardware accelration under advanced-troubleshooting down one notch. Make sure you have the minimum required tasks running (although with that CPU and memory you shouldn't even consider this option). If you have ICQ/AIM/Messanger/any other P2P crap, disable it.

Please post your OS as that also helps.

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the darkness at Tan Hauser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time like tears in rain. Time to die.

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 3:21 am

i am on windows xp
I also have mouse lag on menus, not necessarilly when i'm flying, and not all menus, for exemple to buy weapons i suddenly lag whereas on some menus i won't... as for the fps i haven't yet checked but i'll update this post when i find out.
i was thinking it might be a sound issue since my sound card is giving me some trouble, i'll look into that too.


Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 9:27 am

I have a fast computer with a 9700 and I'm also getting that skipping effect. It's not a bad framerate, it's just that I get this weird skipping in the menus and in the game. The strange thing is that I didn't have this problem while I was playing yesterday. Very weird. I thought that it was because I only have 256 MB of DDR RAM, but then I came here and found out that others have the same problem. What gives?

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 2:25 pm

I've also got a 9700 and the only way I can stand to play the game is by lowering the acceleration a couple of notches. The quality remains, but that rediculous menu lag goes away.

ATI needs to fix this issue because it also shows up when presenting text in other direct3d games with varying degrees of annoyance (i.e., menus in battlefield 1942). Somebody buying a $400 list price video card should not have to mess with this kind of thing.

Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 9:05 am

9700 All In Wonder Pro here. I don't have any of the problems you guys are talking about. guess that extra $50 bucks pays for itself somehow. Outside of watching TV ontop of FL that is.


Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 9:21 am

don't rub it in 8)

Besides it's not such a big issue for me, lowered the hardware accel 1 notch and no worries.

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the darkness at Tan Hauser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time like tears in rain. Time to die.

Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 10:36 am

My FPS in trade lanes does definitely go down, though not when I activate cruise engines. I have however noticed some slowdown when using afterburners on certain ships like the Eagle, but it's not very pronounced and is only noticeable when the FPS is already suffering from something else. Using a GF4 Ti4200 here BTW.

Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 1:36 pm

I don't think your FPS goes down in trade lanes. I also have the effect of Fps loss, but is is just "stretch" i dunno how to call it otherwise. I don't think your fps drops. Is there a way to check the Fps in freelancer btw?

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 4:39 am

Yes, use FRAPS.

Click here

And my FPS does definitely drop, I can go from 130 FPS to 45 in a trade lane, it's that fast.

Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 4:24 pm

I get the exact same issue. Whenever initiating cruise or using certain menus, the video tanks big-time. I saw the read-me regarding the text issue, but wasn't sure it applied.

Has anyone that had the problem with the cruise tried it? Did it work?

Anyone know when ATI will post the updated drivers?

Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 6:52 pm

My fps is 38 normal and 26 when in lane jump, and there is no fps loss when cruising.

I have a
P4 1,3Ghz
GF4 Ti 4200 128mb
384Mb 800mhz RDRAM
180Gig HD

I run at 1200x1600 everything highest.

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 11:48 pm

Happened to me as well with the All in wonder 9700 in FL and other games running at 1024x768. And believe it or not, UP-ing the resolution to 1280x960-something actually took care of it form me, not only in Freelancer, but the others also. No slowdown whatsover. Full effects and everything still look beautiful. The game rocks.
System is: Athlon XP 2200+, ATI AIW 9700pro, 512MB, WinXP.
Hope it helps.

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 9:51 pm

Hi! All guys!

Seems most of you ran in deep provlem on this game. Go try to play this game in 98se or Me rather than XP home/Professional. I don't know why; but seems the game don't like XP. I ran in XP and got performance trouble! Shutter in menu open, game pause 0.5 second during intercom in flight, also game slow down when cruise-engine start....etc. However after I install the game on Me & 98SE game ran smooth like silk. I believe the problem not came from ATI or Audigy driver b'cause I use all the same driver on this 3 OS. Go try & hope this could help U. The game too great; I love it!!!

AMD XP 2400+
PC2100 512MB DDR
Epox 8KHA+
ATO 9700pro 128MB AGP
SB Audigy Ex
IBM DMA100 30GB X2
48 X 48 X 24 CDRW
Panasonic 8X DVD
Win98se,WinMe,WinXP Professional SP1 (All OS updated on internet 10/3/2003)
Catalyst 3.1
VIA 4in1 4.46
My game run in 1024 X 768 32bit
All detail "MAX"
3D sound enable in game option.

P.S: If U still found game shutter in 98 or Me. Maybe U should try "Cacheman" by Outertech software. The software will going to optimize the cache setting in win98,Me (But no help in XP...??). Install it & select "3D Game" profile. I'm very sure in help, trust me I'm using it for a long long time!!!

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