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Can''t Level Up

The place to ask for technical help with running the demo or the full game...

Post Tue Oct 11, 2005 2:05 pm

Can''t Level Up

Hello all,

This has not happened before, but my character in Single Player mode cannot go from level 8 to 9, although I have already exceeded the fiscal requirement. What's up?

Post Wed Oct 12, 2005 8:00 am

Here is a link to a possible answer for my problem that I found while reading the second thread in the 'technical issues' topic board....

Can not seem to level up while playing the game? --> Click here

But it is a dead link! Can anyone help?

Post Wed Oct 12, 2005 3:08 pm

I'll be nice, since you haven't posted much, but if you'll set your 'show topics from' to more than 10 days, you'll see many posts that mirror your own.

The amount to next level is the amount you need to get, not total value.

Chris Bates
Lead scripter,
Stargate BFM: Freelancer

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