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Server problem.... FIXED

The place to ask for technical help with running the demo or the full game...

Post Thu May 26, 2005 3:20 am

Server problem.... FIXED

I'd do a serch but it's been disabled....

I tryed hosting a server and to froze when i tryed to connect to it (lan), now i've reinstalled that tryed again no sucsess, so i installed SDK 1.3 and again no sucsess...

it says something todo with a arch type but i haven't got any mods active at all so what could it be ?

i'm thinking about uninstalling and then installing....

Edited by - NightHound on 5/27/2005 4:57:56 PM

Post Fri May 27, 2005 3:58 pm


i forgot about the My Documents/My Games/Freelancer/Accts/Multiplayer but i deleyed them after a uninstall, install, then freekin out that i lost my accounts on the servers i play on....

but it works now

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