Keep getting disconnected!
Alright this PC im on right now is a really good computer. It has a AMD 64 bit proccesoor. Now the problem is when I play on a server. At once it shows that it has a "bad" connection. Allthough the other computer which is connect to the exact the same network.
When i start. The "Bad" connection icon appear the yellow one. Then only a few seconds after. The "no" connection icon appear the red one. And then it says "Connection to server lost". And something about checking my inernet connection. ANd its there. This is probably a BUG in freelancer. Any1 experienced this problem before? Its not the connection, its the computer.
Thanks for your time. And i hope i get some help
When i start. The "Bad" connection icon appear the yellow one. Then only a few seconds after. The "no" connection icon appear the red one. And then it says "Connection to server lost". And something about checking my inernet connection. ANd its there. This is probably a BUG in freelancer. Any1 experienced this problem before? Its not the connection, its the computer.
Thanks for your time. And i hope i get some help