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The place to ask for technical help with running the demo or the full game...

Post Sat Oct 30, 2004 2:13 am


I need help, as my Freelancer has abnormally stopped running. It gets to the title screen (not menu) and quits out of the game. I've tried deleting my saves, turing off all mods, deleting autosaves, restoring backups, uninstalling FLMM, you name it, I've tried it. Can anyone help me?

Post Mon Nov 01, 2004 2:12 pm

I occassionally get to where FL will not run irregardless of what is done. The only process that I have that works is quite time consuming {short of reformat} but has worked.

Start by uninstalling FL and, since you mentioned MODs, FLMM. IF you want to keep old save games need to rename that folder. Then restart computer. Followed by a scan & defrag. Then hack the registery to remove ALL instances of FL game. You do not need to remove FLMM references unless it persists after everything else. Once hacked turn off computer for about one minute. A restart would work but this will make sure register is reset. After starting scan & defrag HD, if more than one do all. Then install FL & FDSK, to save time install FSDK into same diretory as FL. Do not use FL update. I have found it works better without.

This should get you up & running. I have had trouble once doing this & think it may have been the MOD I had last used. Had to do this twice before FL was operational.

Hope this you out.

Remember: Frogs need love, too.

It is hard to fly with turkeys when you soar with eagles.

Post Mon Nov 01, 2004 3:42 pm

Did you uninstall Freelancer and reinstall or delete the Freelancer folder and then reinstall...Sometimes if you just uninstall Freelancer there is still mod dll files left behind in the Freelancer folder try making sure that no files are left...and definately no saved games when you start a new game or try out a new mod...

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