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Sound Problems with Mods

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Post Sun Sep 12, 2004 11:27 pm

Sound Problems with Mods

At first i want to excuse my bad english (im from Austria),
but now to my problem:

I've downloaded the evolution 1.28 client patche ver 1.02 + openSp for evo 1.28,
I also downloaded the endgame_1.0+Open spv1 the FLMM 1.3,
the inoffizial patch 1.4 and the freelancer SDK 1.3.

And when i start a game with one of this mods, suddenly all sounds and the music is very slow, but when i start freelancer normal everything is fine??

What can i do?? please Help!!

Post Mon Sep 13, 2004 8:29 am

What do you mean? Like some speech is out of place? Simply put its all done by timing - and we changed cruise speeds WITHOUT altering times on stuff. Therefore - it will say something AFTER you have done it etc - due to being their first already/flying faster. Case in point is during the first mission - you will have already reached the guy in the asteroid field who needs rescuing by the time King tells you to do that!!!

Post Tue Sep 14, 2004 6:25 am

No i mean that the sounds are slow, the game speed is ok. I mean the sound sounds like it is in slow motion do you understand??

Post Tue Sep 14, 2004 8:17 am

Yep - i understand. Not alot i can do though - cause it works fine for everyone else

Try reinstalling the mod again.

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