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Help with server

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Post Sun Sep 05, 2004 11:40 am

Help with server

Can someone help me with a multiplayer problem?,

I am doing a LAN game two computers both Windows 2000 Pro.
When the one hosting logs on to the server fine, but the other one has problems, it says "CONSOLE CheatingDetected" i am sure neither has any mods or cheating because i wiped Freelancer on both and installed it again, i also got rid of everything in My Documents\My Games\Freelancer.

Can someone help? i really want to play Freelancer with my friend.
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.

Post Tue Sep 07, 2004 10:25 am

Need more details.

1) Did you load the patch on either of the two 'puters?
2) How soon does the cheat detection pop up? Right away, after the character list?
3) What the versions of DirectX on both 'puters?

I never got my FL server to run on Win2k but that was 1.5 yrs ago when there was a problem with a service pack and DirectX. Supposedly that's fixed by the latest service packs...

SysAdmin of Boston Freelancer server
Server community website & forum: (server rules)

Post Wed Sep 08, 2004 9:29 am

1) I've got the patch on both computers.
2) It pops up right away, i see this flashing red icon near the top left hand corner i dont know what that is???
3)I DirectX 9.0c on both computers.

I've got service pack 2 on one, and service pack 4 on the other, i'm not oo sure if that'll afect it.

Post Wed Sep 08, 2004 12:55 pm

1) The patch should ONLY be on the server. It does strange things when it's on a client only 'puter.
2) You say you see a flashing icon but in what screen? If right away then you see it in the character choice screen (commonly known as the F1 screen)? FYI yellow flashing icon in the middle left, top part of your screen is lag >~350 msecs, red flashing icon is lag >~500 msecs.
3) OK. I have heard of issues with v9.0c but not in FL.

If I remember correctly I tried Win2k with SP2 and I had problems getting DirectX out through it's myraid of ports it requires. Yet some of DirectX is working or else you would not see the server on the client's FL server LAN list.

Just thought of something. Does the OS account you are running flserver from have the rights to create directories in the server's Multiplayer directory? Seems logical that if it crashes right after you log on flserver could be stuck trying to create an account directory but unable to do so. Just a thought, NTFS enables quite a lot of security when you let it.

SysAdmin of Boston Freelancer server
Server community website & forum: (server rules)

Post Thu Sep 09, 2004 10:22 am

I've tried putting the patch on one and still the same.

I've tried lots of diffrent things, sometimes it works for about 0.5 of a second i lnow because i kept shooting at the ship, do you think if i put Service Pack 4 on both it'll fix it?

Post Thu Sep 09, 2004 11:19 am

Are you still getting the cheating message? Are you running mods? Are you logging into a ship that's already in space so that's how you are firing for .5 secs before getting kicked? That .5 secs could be lag between the client and the server. Without more info I am stumped.

If it is a port issue and a service pack is interfering with them then yes, I would suggest upgrading both to SP4. Certainly shouldn't hurt.

SysAdmin of Boston Freelancer server
Server community website & forum: (server rules)

Post Thu Sep 09, 2004 12:42 pm

I'll just go through everything that happens,

1) The first computer makes a server.
2) The second computer joins the server(both at caracter selection screen)
3) They both start the game (diffrent names)
4) They take off at Manhattan.
5) They leave the docking ring.
6) The FIRST computer tries to shoot at the SECOND sometines it happens (mostly it just bombs out)
7) Just a last one that they do bomb, but both keep running after a minute the SECOND computer disconnects itself. Each computer sees the other just flying in a strait line.

I'll now get SP4, I'll tell you if it works,

PS Thanks for replying to my topic

Edited by - Divad428 on 9/10/2004 8:04:09 AM

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