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Game Keeps Crashing

The place to ask for technical help with running the demo or the full game...

Post Fri Mar 05, 2004 9:53 pm

Game Keeps Crashing


Bought the game a few days ago, and have since beat it.
I don't know if this is a problem for anyone else, but alot of times when I go to the loading screen (aka, in between any two screens, like docking on a planet, going from the equipment manager to the launch pad, etc.) the game crashes and dumps me to desktop. I am running on a Radeon 9600 pro, AMD Athalon XP1800, 128 mb RAM. Does anyone have any suggestions for me? Any help? Please? It'd be really nice not to have to save the game everytime I go from the commodities screen to the equipment screen


Post Sun Mar 07, 2004 1:46 am

I have the same problem, but only under very strict circumstances:
I have to buy a new ship, then change screens (from shipdealer to say, launchpad). Then it disconnects me from the server.

However, this is a problem I'm only experiencing online. Singleplayer AND LAN play function perfect.

Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find a solution yet, so no online gaming for me...

I know this isn't much help, but check the following:
-Mods installed? Get rid of em, install again if necessary (I have a clean install)
-ALL drivers up to date? (video, sound, BIOS etc.)
-Try a remove, reinstall

Post Sun Mar 07, 2004 2:38 pm

I'm not using any mods I know of, Sound drivers are as recent as I can find, so I guess I'll try the re-install when I get my back to school (at home on break right now...NO FL FOR A WEEK!!!!). Thanks for the help though. I don't play online, but have heard it is a lot of fun. Can't wait till the guys on my hall catch up to me in the game so we can LAN.

Post Fri Mar 12, 2004 1:42 pm

yeah, this happens to me too, in sp though.

When i click "launch to space" it dumps me onto desktop....

im calling microsoft!

Post Sat Mar 13, 2004 7:09 am

DarkLord - sounds like you have been running mods or changing files - if not, my appologies, BUT a few hints for you guys:

If you have ever downloaded or modified your files, then reinstall FL again (delete it first) and the clean copy should stop you crashing. If you have FLMM - then use it to go to your save games folder, and select all the saves and delete them all. This should stop any startup crashes.

if you are disconected from the server - its an autokick for cheating.
This happens if:
The ship you are buying does not match the one the server thinks its selling
The stuff that comes with the ship does not match the one the server is selling with,
and sometimes custom mods ships will kick you as well (no idea - but rebal had this problem with a ship once i understand).

i know alot of poeple profess innocence, but alot of people try mods and get booted, however, this is not necessarily always the case. Sometimes the server may crash and you will come back with mission loot on board.......landing will cause you to be kicked due to mission stuff - so jettison it
There are other circumstances where you might just have corrupted files on your side, or even server corrupted save files - at which point ask the admin to check for you

General rules:
No mod which inlcudes NEW things (ships etc) will work online at all - as a rule you will crash upon connection, or be booted when you buy something - so i strongly suggest that you don't try.........cause many places AUTOBAN for this. Only run a mod and connect with servers that RUN that mod, this way you will be fine

Don't try mods that include cloaks, uber shields/ hulls or other things, as the server can pick these up and kick/ban you.

Don't try mods online of other types, cause they cause lag and if someone reports you, you will probs be banned.

Thats about all really

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