Font Error in Freelancer -- Need Help
I am experiencing a problem with Freelancer and I’m seeking assistance. My computer crashed and I have had to reload everything all over again. When I loaded Freelancer, it has worked fine except for one detail. The text (font) in the game is wrong. The font has been changed to some kind of ARIAL which usually appears in all caps. The font has changed the initial menu (New Game, Load Game, Multiplayer, Options, Exit), as well as text explaining Internet connections and so forth. This would be okay, except where there are text boxes, the text doesn’t always fit so it chops off words or whole sentences if the font pushes the text off the text box’s screen. For example, when Multiplayer asks if you want to choose a LAN or INTERNET connection, the word “Internet” is broken in two parts to squeeze it into the text box so that it reads “INTER” on top and “NET” on the bottom with both sections not completely shown.
In the game itself, the font continues persistently. This Arial font appears in the HUD display both on the left (where things like ships, loot, docking ring, and enemies are listed), in the center (which shows your numerical speed and your cruise engine activation), and on the right (which lists your weapons). The font has been changed for both letters and numbers. In the Chat Screen, however, the font seems to only cover the titles (such as PRIVATE CHANNEL, PLAYER, etc.), but individual names and their text messages appear in normal font.
So how does one fix an issue like this? I have not had this problem ever before. I know that my video requirements are sufficient. I’ve tried adjusting the hardware acceleration (no effect). I updated my video drivers to the latest version (no effect). I have not loaded any additional fonts, so I do not have any font overload. I tried scanning the Freelancer disc itself to see what True Type Fonts it used, but none were found. Therefore, I assumed it used my default font for Windows, but adjusting the font had no effect. I’ve tried asking around, but no one else knows what to do either. So any help anyone might suggest or offer would be most appreciated.
In the game itself, the font continues persistently. This Arial font appears in the HUD display both on the left (where things like ships, loot, docking ring, and enemies are listed), in the center (which shows your numerical speed and your cruise engine activation), and on the right (which lists your weapons). The font has been changed for both letters and numbers. In the Chat Screen, however, the font seems to only cover the titles (such as PRIVATE CHANNEL, PLAYER, etc.), but individual names and their text messages appear in normal font.
So how does one fix an issue like this? I have not had this problem ever before. I know that my video requirements are sufficient. I’ve tried adjusting the hardware acceleration (no effect). I updated my video drivers to the latest version (no effect). I have not loaded any additional fonts, so I do not have any font overload. I tried scanning the Freelancer disc itself to see what True Type Fonts it used, but none were found. Therefore, I assumed it used my default font for Windows, but adjusting the font had no effect. I’ve tried asking around, but no one else knows what to do either. So any help anyone might suggest or offer would be most appreciated.