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Turret Problems

The place to ask for technical help with running the demo or the full game...

Post Sat Oct 25, 2003 5:35 pm

Turret Problems

The turret on the Valkyre, Hammerhead, Eagle, and Titan mount on the back, vertically on these ships. The turret will not fire no matter what I do. Is there anyone who has had the same problem, can anyone help.? When I go to Trafalger Base and purchase the Legionnaire it irradically jumps forward during flight, can someone halp wiyh this too? Thank You

Post Tue Oct 28, 2003 1:38 pm

really one for the spoiler forum
most ships turrets dont fire forward so its not a tech issue one ship you listed does in a limited way
suggest a post in spoiler forum for more info

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