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errors while trying to connect to a server

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Post Sat Oct 11, 2003 5:18 pm

errors while trying to connect to a server

in multiplayer i click on a server then connect. it then tells me to wait because its taking longer then its surposed to. after a minute or two it says that my "account user name and password arn't valid on this server" but i havernt typed in an account user name or password and i can't find where i'm surpose to type it i've looked through all the menus and the read me and the manual but there isn't any thing about account user names or passwords. this problem happeneds on all of the servers and i don't know what to do. Does any one know whats wrong or what i can do to fix it. i really want to play multiplayer.

Post Sat Oct 11, 2003 6:19 pm

try joining 1 with a lower ping. lower the better

Post Sun Oct 12, 2003 12:13 am

Did you try to connect to a server wich doesn't use a password?
Might be silly question but you'd feal stupid if that's actually the prob after you take apart your entire computer

You can sort the list by Ping, do that and the lowest ping will show up on top. If it doesn't, sort again by ping.

It depends on your kinda connection (phoneline/ADSL/cable/broadband) what the pings are.
I have a 256kb ADSL connection and the fastest ping I got was 32. With a simple 56kb modem (phoneline) it was about 230.

If the ping is to high it means your connection is to slow and FL might give you the warning that it takes more time than normal to connect to the server.
And if the server you try to connect to requires a password (and there are quite a few out there) it gives you the enter password message.

You can set a filter (middle button below the server list) and filter out the servers wich:
- require a password,
- have incompatible builds (mods),
- have a ping above xxx,
- are locked

and one more, but I forgot.

Post Sun Oct 12, 2003 11:03 am

i've tryed the lowest pings and i alreasy filtered all the password servers i've tryed to connect to all kinds of servers and got the same problem.

and i have 256Kb ADSL internet connection.

Edited by - James B on 12-10-2003 12:27:41

Edited by - James B on 12-10-2003 12:28:03

Post Sun Oct 12, 2003 10:45 pm

Wait a minute, Acount username? That's bullcrap, it shouldn't be asking you that. Password I can understand, but FL servers never ask for an acount name.

What does the message look like? is it an FL screen? (Blue-and-square-ish.)
or is it a Windows message?

Maybe FL is screwed up when it comes to connecting to servers and tries to "break in" instead.

Post Mon Oct 13, 2003 3:55 pm

its a freelancer error box not a windows one. the general wording is "your account username and password are not valid on this server. Try to type your username and password again.". it happens on every server i try so its nothing to do with password servers or incapatable builds and its nothing to do with my connection speed. as i have said i can't find i place in the game or out of it to type any kind of freelancer username or password that will affect the game. this error only happeneds on freelancer no other internet game.

Post Mon Oct 13, 2003 6:28 pm

isnt that the msg u get when you are banned?

Post Mon Oct 13, 2003 6:43 pm

i don't know because i have never been able to connect to a server before. so i couldn't have been banned.

Post Tue Oct 14, 2003 1:07 pm

Has anyone got an answer that hasn't already been posted or that i havern't tryed before. e.g. don't post replys about :

1. flitering locked servers, incompatable built servers.
2. pings i've tryed the lowest ping i could find and got the same error (43)
3. my connection because its fine
4. different server types because don't think that i just tryed one server then gave up and posted this thread because i've tryed ever server i could find.

Post Tue Oct 14, 2003 4:18 pm

Reïnstall perhaps? But somehow I suspect you tried that one...
As far as I know, you're the only one, or at least the first to have this problem.

Try to ask someone at the MS support site or at the MS Newsgroups.

I hope this gets sorted out for you.

Post Tue Oct 14, 2003 6:17 pm

This is a theory but bear with me. The fact that this happens with EVERY server you try implies your FL MP log on sequence (whatever way FL logs onto to any server) is bad. Maybe your MP ID is bad - out of bounds, too big, too small, etc. Maybe it's too slow or bad of a connection, I've had this happen occasionally during slow connection times (bad lag when in game). Maybe your ISP blocks certain ports? At schools this happens but not with quite the same results as you get. Maybe your own firewall? Have you tried this with another 'puter on the same internet connection? Someone checked it out once but there is as many as a half a dozen ports used to connect to the GS and play FL and port communication is started (i.e. ports "opened" at your end, not the other end. (this is different from flserver where port communication is always started from the other end, the FL player)

Clutching at straws but I want to help 8)

Nickless, the forum moderator trainee , suggests you reinstall. Maybe reinstall everything.

SysAdmin of Boston Freelancer server

Post Tue Oct 14, 2003 7:05 pm

what do you mean reinstall every thing???

Post Tue Oct 14, 2003 9:25 pm

If you have reinstalled everything peicemeal, you might have to do it backwards. Reinstall DirectX. If not working, uninstall DirectX and FL and reinstall both. If that doesn't work delete back to parade rest, in other words wipe and reinstall your OS, FL and DirectX. The last step is drastic so don't forget to backup your files, FL MP ID, etc. If you think I am kidding then look here. It was a nightmare scenario but I had to do this because an OS reinstall was the only fix.

Before you go as far as an OS reinstall, try your connection with another computer that does FL MP. This will determine if the issue is in you 'puter or with you internet connection. But without knowing more about what is installed on your 'puter, this is as far as most can go.

SysAdmin of Boston Freelancer server

Post Tue Oct 14, 2003 10:10 pm

would the fact that i am running directx 8.1 instead of 9.0. i can't run 9.0 because it mucks up my machine and don't start on that. But would it affect multiplayer???

single player still works with Directx 8.1???

Post Wed Oct 15, 2003 4:01 pm

DX 9.0 is needed for FL, but I've indeed heared others who play FL with 8.1
There is a version 9.0b available, so try that one first.
And make sure you have the latest drivers for everything, grafixcard, soundcard, modem, etc...

Nickless, the forum moderator trainee

hehe, I'm not aplying, just trying to help

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