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problems with ti4800se

The place to ask for technical help with running the demo or the full game...

Post Wed Aug 13, 2003 4:20 pm

problems with ti4800se

hey guys i suffered a meltdown due to the heat and thus had to reinstall freelancer on my new computer what i want to know is.

1. the screen srinks up i.e. the freelancer for some reason doesnt fit the whole screen. wat can i do about that??

2. how do iget to put my old id into this new installlation of freelancer on a totally new omp with different hardware but same copy of freelancer??

please help me i am shattered as i dont get to play this beautiful game as i should have

Post Wed Aug 13, 2003 4:33 pm

1. the screen srinks up i.e. the freelancer for some reason doesnt fit the whole screen. wat can i do about that??

try changing the monitor screen size postion etc while in the game.

2. how do iget to put my old id into this new installlation of freelancer on a totally new omp with different hardware but same copy of freelancer??

Install the game and then choose to play online, you are then given the option to edit the current Online ID or use it{its either when you click multiplayer or joining a server I can't remember exactly}

Post Wed Aug 13, 2003 6:24 pm

thanx helped a lot

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