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strange problem

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Post Fri Aug 01, 2003 3:50 pm

strange problem

when you land and there is trent and the dealers on the screens my comp does something weird. when any person on the screen goes over the reputation bars in the player window or the cargo hold bar the reputation bar goes away around them and the cargo hold has the light blue come up saying that it is full. example: when trents body is over the rep bars for anything they are removed while he is standing there, kinda like it is distorted. i have GeForce4 440 Go and direct x 9. any suggestions?

Post Fri Aug 01, 2003 6:39 pm

I have Geforce 4 Ti 4200 and it works fine and people are having problems and i dont know how probably motherboard....anyways go to and get the latest drivers it should be 44.03_win2kxp_international ...if this is not the lastest update reply to me. Hope it works

Fighting fire with napalm is the BEST solution.

Edited by - FiGhTFiReWiThNApAlm on 01-08-2003 19:44:13

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