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The place to ask for technical help with running the demo or the full game...

Post Thu Jul 10, 2003 12:12 am


Ok guys here's the thing
When I start up FL it brings up the windowed loading screen then
the whole screen turns black and it freezes

I think this has something to do with my graphics card drivers
I have a Geforce 2 Ti 240 with the latest graphics drivers, I have
read previous posts and they say that the 42 series graphics drivers
are needed
Ah yeah almost forgot I did find some of the 42 series drivers but they were
for windows 2000/XP
My OS is windows 98 NOT second edition

Is this correct to solve my problem?
and if so
Does anyone know where I can get the drivers from?


Edited by - Slick on 10-07-2003 01:15:58

Post Fri Jul 11, 2003 10:09 am

Tried the Nvidia site

Sheeshh.. some people cant even tie their own shoelaces anymore...



Post Fri Jul 11, 2003 1:23 pm


Sheeshh.. some people cant even tie their own shoelaces anymore...

Uncalled for comment. Some people may not have the patience for digging thru pages to locate something they are not even sure about.

I may not be a mod here or anything....But that was just UNCOOL.


Join The Argonian Ryders

Something Awful

Post Sun Jul 13, 2003 5:55 pm

I stand by that comment.. Try to go to nvidia's site, and you will se that you do NOT have to dig thru pages to find that link to the drivers archive..
As soon as you have searched for a driver, and arrive at the current driver available, look on the left side of the screen.. There is the link to the driver archive..
For the dense among ya'll, I'll post a click by click account of how to arrive to that page :

Open an Internet Explorer window.
Type in the Adress field the following web adress:
Press Enter
When the Nvidia main page has loaded, move the mousecursor over the first link at the top, where it says "Download Drivers".
Select the "Download Drivers" from the auto-dropdown menu, and click it.
On the page that loads, select "Graphics drivers" in the first box by clicking.
Select the card type in the second box by clicking.
Select the operating system in the third box by clicking.
Click on the button marked "Go!"
On the page that loads, look to the left side, and READ untill you see the link to the drivers archive.. No points for guessing how to access that archive..

And that has been the way Nvidia's drivers pages has been for the last 6 months...
So forget about telling me that you need to dig thru lots of pages.. Just READ whats on your screen...

4 clicks is all it takes.. and then you can work on how to tie your own shoelaces next.. Try Google for a JPG describing the maneuvers necessarry, and then practice them in a Starflier in Omicron Alpha.. Works wonders for yer Basic Combat Maneuvering skills..

B. Rgds


Edited by - Dutch63 on 14-07-2003 00:42:26

Post Mon Jul 14, 2003 8:23 pm

*dies laughing* Good one Dutch =P I agree with you. Took me probably all of 5-10 minutes to get my up-to-date Radeon 9000 pro 128 driver. And that was jsut casual browser AND included the download time. It shouldn't take you more then that to find it...Also, it could be Windows 98 FE - It has problems......Upgrade to SE asap

"In space, no one can hear you yell YEHAW - Only your coworkers frowning at you."

Post Wed Jul 16, 2003 4:32 pm

Win98 first edition was a known buggy attempy at an OS. Win95b is better than Win98a. (Golden Rule: Never, under any circumstances, trust a Micro$oft first release)

If you do get a copy of Win98b, or XP, or Win2K, format your hard drive and built it up from scratch. Try to upgrade and you will have even more problems than you had before.

Just my $0.02, but it could just be the cardamine talking.
Nil Mortifi Sine Lucre
aka Shaman - gameArena Server

Post Wed Jul 16, 2003 7:19 pm

guys i wonder sometimes why you bother to post help if you are just gonna make people feel stupid just for asking???

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