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Help Me Please Freelancer Sages

The place to ask for technical help with running the demo or the full game...

Post Tue Jun 03, 2003 7:34 pm

Help Me Please Freelancer Sages

I used to be able to connect to a MP server with the installed mod. Now after playing there over a week I cannot. I reinstalled reregistered Freelance, DX 9 and the mod manage and mod. I even had the server delete my accounts. Now I get operation is taking longer then expect and the I entered the wrong password and account. Please what am I doing wrong. I have a 56k and have even tried when no one is on the server nothing seems to work HEEELLLLPPPP

Post Wed Jun 04, 2003 4:43 am

Can you connect to servers with the mod uninstalled? And what mod is it, anyways?

Post Wed Jun 04, 2003 5:53 am

The mod is the Mod Manager latest versions and Porsches starwars ship pack. I am getting the message if I have the mod on or not. Thank you

Post Wed Jun 04, 2003 12:59 pm

When you reinstalled did you transfer accounts by recording you old account id and re-entering into your new installation?

If not read the threads posted here to find out how and why.

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