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Disconnected upon repair/ship purchase. WTF?

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Post Wed Apr 23, 2003 3:57 am

Disconnected upon repair/ship purchase. WTF?

Its a really aggrivating bug and I dont know if it is any way related to my 56k connection.

When I get damage and I do ship repairs when I land, it repairs the hull fine, but when it does components like weapons and such, I get disconnected!

Also whenever I purchase new ships, I also get disconnected.

What I mean is that I get a window saying that its taking longer than expected, and to hit escape or click on the cancel button. I go back into the server and my money is sometimes spent, sometimes remain the same when I disconnect and yet I have the same damage/ship as I had before! I cant do anything in multiplayer!

Any ideas?

Post Wed Apr 23, 2003 6:30 am

I've heard of this before, but it seems to be extremely rare. I really have no advice for you other than to format, but that's rather extreme.

Post Wed Apr 23, 2003 1:40 pm

The only thing that I've heard that causes this is attmepting to use old saved games/characters.


Post Wed Apr 23, 2003 5:14 pm

Could be the connection. Freelancer seems to want to transfer at 8kbs optimally. This is just a tad above modems abilities.

If you get the "longer than expected" screen, wait it out. You'll time out in 20 seconds if the connection is actually lost.

Post Sun Apr 27, 2003 11:35 pm

This really stinks. Better report this to MS.

Thanks anyway.

Post Thu May 01, 2003 7:57 pm

youre playing it on 56K.. woahh i never play anything on 56K its just not fun... argh.. guess i'll have to wait till Broadband comes affordable....

argh.. im never gonna get paid.. goodbye a million credits..

Post Fri May 02, 2003 11:07 am

I had similar probs myself and hoped that broadband would fix .... but it didn't. My problem may have been more severe as i sometimes used to get booted out when fighting too. I managed to fix the problem by changing some BIOS settings as follows:

Set 'Enhance Chip Performance' to ON, and
'Assign IRQ to USB' to OFF - (this presumeably resolved USB probs with USB Broadband connection.

Haven't tested with a dial up (56k), but you never know, may help. Using 56k connection is likely to be a prob anyway.

Good luck, good hunting.

Post Thu Aug 21, 2003 12:09 pm

I have got this problem too on both of my PCs
(connected via 100MBit LAN)
my connection type is a DSL Broadband.

The problem is exactly like described, but it seems to occur randomly only...

I also have no clue what the origin of it is and I Emailed the Server-Admin, but he couldn't help me.

I would be happy if s.o. here could help a bit

Lord Alucard

Post Fri Aug 22, 2003 11:52 am

I tried all night and finally got a clue.
I'm using an Eumex 704PC DSL Router, which I reconfigured in that way:
I opened the necessary ports
I switched DHCP off and set up static IPs for my PCs
I enabled NAT
Set: Received packed resets timeout
and finally set the MTU to 1492 (the right value for DSL (PPPOE/RASPPPOE)

that did the job for me.

I hope that this helps,
Lord Alucard

Post Sat Aug 30, 2003 9:43 pm

Somebody I know has this problem too, every server he goes on, it happens every time.

Buying a ship makes the "longer than expected" message pop up. Once he rejoins, he lost his money and still has his old ship

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