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Video problem

The place to ask for technical help with running the demo or the full game...

Post Fri Apr 11, 2003 9:07 pm

Video problem


I am having trouble with FL video running correctly. I have a Compaq 500MHz and for video ATI 3D Rage Pro AGP 2x. FL will not work at all with the drivers from ATI, machine resets as soon as FL is started. The default drivers from MS allow the product to run, but I lose a lot. Background is white which means anywhere in the game that uses white text is gone (multiplayer connect, job listings in bars, my stats page, etc).


.sig/ "Are you new here?" "That's right..."

Post Tue Apr 15, 2003 5:17 pm

Well, I've figured out the problem and now am working on a viable solution. The ATI 3D Rage Pro AGP card has only 4M of RAM which means it doesn't meet the MS minimum spec of 16M. I tried an 8M card and get better results, but still not perfect. I am now shopping for a "new" PCI video card.

.sig/ "I can see clearly now, the day has come..."


Post Tue Apr 15, 2003 9:45 pm

Your entire machine is too small for Freelancer.

Need minimum of 600 MHZ prossessing power.(1.5 ghz or better is best) A TnT2 based video chipset or better (Geforce3 or better is best here) Have a minimum of 256 megs of ram in the machine (512 much better).

You can get a 1.5gig athelon and Mobo for about $250 if you know where to look.
A low end GeForce 4 card for about $100 and the memory (512 meg chip 133 MHZ sdram) for between 60 and and $100 depending on where you live.

As a rule name brand computers are NOT good gaming machines.

Post Tue Apr 15, 2003 9:48 pm

Nog: I dunno what your smoking but I can get a mobo and processor combo for about $140 with a XP 1800+.

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