now this is anoying...
i always get 'IDS?' when there is a shipname, no buttons at all in the multi player option, the return button is missing aswell, and the writing in the firstmovie is IDS? aswell(didn't check the other once...
i tried useing the mods, with the freelancer mod manager, includingreyen mod 1.5... and i got problems with the big cheap bettleship mod, so i tried restoring the backups, but that didn't work aswell, the only thing besides that is that i tried to get the whitestar ship included aswell(followed the instruction guide...)
can anyone tell me what i did wrong and maybe send me the datas i need to restore so i can fix that??? cause i wanna fly a sabre not a IDS? thanks a lot
ever saw a pod pod a pod???
i tried useing the mods, with the freelancer mod manager, includingreyen mod 1.5... and i got problems with the big cheap bettleship mod, so i tried restoring the backups, but that didn't work aswell, the only thing besides that is that i tried to get the whitestar ship included aswell(followed the instruction guide...)
can anyone tell me what i did wrong and maybe send me the datas i need to restore so i can fix that??? cause i wanna fly a sabre not a IDS? thanks a lot
ever saw a pod pod a pod???