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ATTN: Anyone with the multiplayer minimising problem when jo

The place to ask for technical help with running the demo or the full game...

Post Tue Apr 01, 2003 10:34 pm

ATTN: Anyone with the multiplayer minimising problem when jo

I had this problem and it really started to piss me off..but aha i found a solution!

i tried reinstalling vid drivers, dx9, sblive drivers, all to no avail, til i realised everytime i launched the game i did so either by directly runninghte executable or running the Start menu shortcut

solution, click "Play" from the autorun menu, huzzah! it works,, try start menu again, it fails GO FIGURE!

but i strongly reccomend if you haven't already get the ced to autorun and click the play option in there

Good Luck!

"There is no honour without pie[!"
-- Shakespeare

Post Wed Apr 02, 2003 3:55 pm

Thanks, you dont know how much I appreciate that someone has found teh time to post the solution

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