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argghhhh damn dx9 xp etc

The place to ask for technical help with running the demo or the full game...

Post Tue Mar 18, 2003 2:04 pm

argghhhh damn dx9 xp etc

does anybody else have this probs i can play freelancer between 15 secs and 30ish mins before i hear i high pitched sound and complete freeze, doesnt just happen with FL, has done it woth bf1942 and mohaa, both of which i have now uninstalled to do unplayability and it looks like FL soon aswell, ive tried to run with "win me" compatability , but no help, ive rolled back gfx driver (installed new driver when installed FL), still no help, and typical ms said "install dx9 now, make games frun smoother faster better quality blah blah", forgot to mention "oh by the way if things start to crash, tough nothing you can do about it"

system specs
xp2000 windows xp
512 sdram
75 gig drives
geforce 4 64meg ddr mmx

Post Tue Mar 18, 2003 2:55 pm

sry dude


Post Tue Mar 18, 2003 10:07 pm

I think DX9.1 needs to be released...and be released quick. DX9 sucks balls. Sucks that you have this problem.. I have DX9 and can play MOHAA, BF1942, and Freelancer just fine. I'll look over your specs again and see if I see some conflict of some sort.

What video drivers you have installed from NVIDIA??

I have the WHQL 40.72 drivers.

Edited by - Darkside on 18-03-2003 22:07:21

Post Wed Mar 19, 2003 10:18 am

i did have the latest from nvidia 40. something, and thought it was that, i installed that same time as FL, so i rolled that back to previous driver, still the same so i tried to run in compatible mode, still the same, its o anoyying, looks like unless something is done quick, im gonna uninstll FL sod it not worth it, things is i soooo need to go back to 8.1 or 8.2 but cant , thnx again msoft fo a lovely hassle free bodge up

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