Game Minimizes When Joining MP Game
Whenever I try to join a MP server the game just about instantly minimizes to the start menu and I can never maximize it again. I'm able to get to the loading screen before this happens. The first time this starting happening I was able to get in-game first. I was docked at a station and I could see my ship, but once I launched the game minimized. Now it does it right after the game finishes loading, I can't even get in-game anymore. I tried going to a server I've never been to, made a new character, and was able to repeat the first time (able to see my ship on the Manhattan docking platform, launch to space, game minimizes). I find this rather odd as I had just been playing the game for quite some time just an hour or so ago without problems. Also, I can play singleplayer just fine! Singleplayer works, but MultiPlay does not! Anyone have any ideas?