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Multiplayer Timeouts

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Post Sat Mar 15, 2003 7:40 pm

Multiplayer Timeouts

I've been playing MP on my 2nd computer over my LAN for a while, and people from the internet were able to connect, everything worked fine. However, when I decided to try some online servers, I've found I time out constantly. After about 4-5 minutes I stop receiving data from the server and if in space the red disconnection icon is flashing on and off constantly. It can happen anywhere but most often just after I've launched or docked, or in battle (times of highest bandwidth usage?) . I'm on an ADSL 512k connection in the UK, had Freelancer shipped from the US, and this even happens on an empty, 30 ping server. No lag at all for 5 minutes then simply stops responding and disconnects. Seeing as I had no problems at all on LAN it suggests it's an internet connection issue. I'm using an ADSL router, ports 2300-2400 are open even though they shouldn't need to be in theory, and just installed the latest firmware. I have no problems with any other games.

Help would be appreciated, thx.


Post Thu Mar 27, 2003 5:04 pm

I ran into a similiar problem, where if both of the PCs on my NAT'ed LAN tried to play online for more than 10-15 minutes or so, one or both of them would get that red icon, and eventually disconnect. Each PC was running it's own legit copy of the game.

I had a Linksys BEFW11S4-v2 router/switch/WAP connected to my aDSL. I went up and down the forums looking for answers, and tried the following:
- downloaded latest version of the router firmware
- disabling "block WAN requests"
- enabling MTU, setting it to 1500
- set up "port triggering"
- installed the new directX 9.0a (on both PCs)
With each change came a moderate amount of success in helping me stay connected longer, but ultimately, I still got dropped after an hour or so.

I noticed that of all the reports that I've read on the forums, those that shared my problem all had either Linksys or Microsoft routers. So, last night in a fit of frustration, I went down to the nearby Best Buy and bought a new router. It's a D-Link DI-604, got it for $39.99+tax, and it came with a $10 mail-in rebate.

Right after I installed the new router, we actively played online for 3 uninturrupted hours. Then I left both games connected all night as I slept. So far, it's been a little 8 hours, and both PCs are still connected.

I'm sure this isn't the right solution for everyone, but it did work for me. Hopefully, others will find alternative solutions that doesn't require the purchase of a new router.

Post Thu Mar 27, 2003 8:06 pm

I have the same problem except my friend is getting dropped from my server.
I'm on a Lan with a netgear router RT311 and while I can stay on indefinately, from within the lan, my buddy who is coming through the internet, lasts for maybe 30 minutes at most and then gets dropped. The message he gets says that the server is not available or something which is not true because I don't stop playing.

I hope there is some other solution than forking out cash for a new router. Especially if it's a crap shoot to see what router will work.


Edited by - Cray Adder on 27-03-2003 20:07:20

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