Post Sat Mar 15, 2003 4:14 pm

Multiplayer Server Settings

Is it more, or are most of the entries listed in "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Freelancer\EXE\Freelancer.ini" completely useless?
The best thing you can do is comment out the movies so the game starts quicker...

fullscreen = 1
size = 1024,768
color_bpp = 32
depth_bpp = 32

No matter if you uncomment Display, I think the game re-comments it on start... Display is controlled by PerfOptions.ini from My documents anyway..

ANYWAY, what I was asking is this: -
Does anyone know how to get the server to use server settins from the main Freelancer.ini file?
I want to alter the "death_penalty = 100" to "death_penalty = 0" so that when the game accidentally autonavigates you straight into the planet you don't lose all your un-equipped equipment or commodities...
As soon as you run FLServer it ignores whatever you use in the Freelancer.ini and creates its own brand new FLServer.cfg... which cannot be edited in a simple text editor.

Will these extra features come in with a patch?

Welcome to the Darkness