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No IP Address play!

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Post Fri Mar 14, 2003 4:20 pm

No IP Address play!

Well I must say that I personally think they have left the best Multiplayer option out of this game. Playing via "IP Address".

This is always a great option in a game, which also means you can host a game for your friends to join if you have a fast connection like I have here. Seeing as more and more people these days are going away from Dial-up connections. And choosing fast Cable, ADSL connections instead. Make for an even more enjoyable experiance playing the game via: IP Address

Plus it also you can basicly be the host with a fast connection, playing online with your friends who live locally. Meaning you got very little lag. Especially if you both used the same ISP and only lived a couiple of miles from each other.

Why, Why, Why was this feature not included in the game I ask you!

Post Fri Mar 14, 2003 4:31 pm

It was.

click here for answer

edited to make hyperlink

Edited by - Boscoe on 14-03-2003 16:39:44

Post Fri Mar 14, 2003 5:56 pm

There's just one problem: that solution doesn't always work.

In my case, I'm stuck behind two or three NATs, at least ONE of which are puts an end to the whole idea of using the LAN-connection thingie - or at least that's what I would assume is the problem.

If the global server is down, I get NO internet play. Period. The LAN-list just won't display any servers (unless they're actually on the same university LAN I'm on), even if i do add them manually. If the global server is up and running, everything's just fine; they show up in the (Internet) server list when pinged, as they are supposed to, but they NEVER show up in the LAN list, no matter what.

So, I would actually say that the direct-IP connection is poorly constructed, although in place. Wouldn't it have been much better to be able to add IPs from inside the game? Wouldn't it have been much better if the global server list wasn't required?

Post Fri Mar 14, 2003 6:13 pm

Well you've hit the nail on the head there really. I have been reading the LINK posted above. And while I understand what they are saying. It all seems a very complicated way of going about things. For a simple "IP Address game". Like you said above it would have been much better if they could have designed the game the same way, like they did with Starlancer. Were you only had to type an "IP Address" to join a person hosting the game.

Most of my friends are simple family people, who do not have any great computer experiance. They are not the technicaly minded kind. So trying to explain to them how they could play the game via "IP Address" as it stands would be a nightware to say the very least. And would probably leave me pulling my hair out!

But I have to say! To bring a game out these days that does not have the "IP Address" option in the Mutiplayer side of the game. (By this I mean put in as a proper option from within the game) Is a real No, No for me! Because this is the best method of Multiplayer there is! Leaving you the option to host a game with a fast connection against your friends if you have one like myself.

Edited by - Gary Bolton on 14-03-2003 18:21:46

Post Sat Mar 15, 2003 4:57 am

There is another way to do it. If you go to the Freelancer directory (normally c:\program files\Microsoft games\Freelancer) and then enter the EXE folder you will find a file called "fldirectip". Run that and you can enter the IP and port numbers in a way similar to doing it in game. In theroy that should connect you to the server you specify.

To avoid having to go to that folder everytime try this. Go there once and hold the right mouse button on it and drag it to the desktop. Then release and select "Create Shortcut here". Then just double click that link everytime you want to connect.

Post Sat Mar 15, 2003 7:38 am

That does sound much better. But if I'm the host. How do I first setup the game here for a person to join via my IP Address! Because there is no host Button in the game.

Post Sat Mar 15, 2003 12:06 pm

but there is a host game exe

if your can not config dedicated server, you maybe should not host anyway

and if your behind a half dozen nat, you should aswell not really host, cause you will make alot of ppl a good deal of trouble to connect to you.
add to this a winxp firewall that your to dumb to shut down and we have the perfect nightmare server

Post Sun Mar 16, 2003 1:43 am

there's no call to be insulting, just because the guy doesn't know networking. he could have a Ph. D. in a variety of other areas, you know. for example, he's obviously a l33t hax0r, compared to you, in the area of social skills.

Post Sun Mar 16, 2003 2:18 am

Sure there is cause for insulting, the guy didnt even buy the game, he is using a warez version.

Post Sun Mar 16, 2003 2:31 am

So you say! But then you obiously know everything about everything don't you!

Then again I have noticed that you seem to like coming into every single post I make here, making smart arsed comments. Grow up my friend and act your age! Unless you really are just a little baby!

All because a person showed you some comments I made in a Forum does'nt mean I have a Warez copy. If you had of took the time to read that posting proper. You would have seen that all the files the hundreds of people were downloading were corrupt anyway. Because Microsoft flooded the network with corrupt file parts so nobody could get the game. Why do you think there is nodody here using a Warez copy. Use your brain a bit. And besides what the heck would having a copy of a game have anything to do with how you act in the Forum anyway regarding your manners towards other people.

You have probably downloaded Music yourself that you did'nt own previously. So how should I treat you then. The same way!

Put your brain into gear and have a good think about it before you reply please for a change!

Edited by - Gary Bolton on 16-03-2003 02:46:45

Post Sun Mar 16, 2003 2:55 am

To take abstraction from the... subtle insults flying around, there's only a dedicated server, flserver.exe.

However, it is possible (in theory) to run the dedicated server, then run the game on the same computer and join your own server (localhost). But, unless you have a fairly fast CPU (I'd guess 2Ghz+), forget having more than 3 or 4 players that way, since the server is CPU intensive and it'll be competing for CPU time with the actual game you're running. I tried that on a 1.2Ghz machine, and whenever I got into a bit of action massive lag ensued for the entire fleet... I mean 2 players... connected.

Post Sun Mar 16, 2003 3:00 am

I have an Athlon XP 1600 here, 1.5gig memory. Plus a 1024DL-256UL cable broadband connection. I have the connection speed, and the memory. But I'm not to sure about my CPU speed for a dedicated server. Because it accually only runs at 1400mhz. And not 1600mhz

Edited by - Gary Bolton on 16-03-2003 03:01:41

Post Sun Mar 16, 2003 3:05 am

Then again I have noticed that you seem to like coming into every single post I make here, making smart arsed comments.

Every single one? I'd say maybe 3, but then again that's how good you read. About 90% of the questions you ask can be answered in the readme files or the game manual. But since you didnt buy the game, how can you read the manual. You can't even get Adobe Reader to work, how can you expect to play this? I'm actually surprised you even figured out how to come here and post actually.

And you pretty much admitted you use a Warez copy when you posted you wouldn't buy the game to only get the manual.

And I can also admit, no, I have never downloaded music from any website, but nice try.

You're pathetic, plain and simple.

Post Sun Mar 16, 2003 3:17 am

Well here goes!

1. Seeing as some people like myself work a lot of hours in the day, and don't really have the patience or the time to spend reading a manual for hours on end. Because I also have children to cope with also. Not that manuals ever explain things in detail anyway! It is much quicker to get the answers here from experianced people in networking, who know what they are talking about!

2. The problem with adobe Acrobat Reader 5.1 and the manual in PDF format is caused because of the size of the images, And it was a loading time isssue. And even maybe a DX9 issue! Seeing as I've just switched over to Windows 2000 Pro as late.

I see you have to end you statement saying: " Your pathetic" Oh dear it is obvious that I'm dealing with a problem person here! So I think I'll just leave you to get on with it, and ignore all your future comments from now on. If you want to continue to keep making a fool of yourself. Thats fine by me! Because other people here in this Forum will only pick-up on your silly behaviour! And treat you for what you are!

And will you please stop "following" me into every thread I make, posting offensive comments. Create some of your own!

Edited by - Gary Bolton on 16-03-2003 03:33:29

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