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Server runs fine on xp lan pc but not on 2k server pc

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Post Fri Mar 14, 2003 12:18 pm

Server runs fine on xp lan pc but not on 2k server pc

Well, this is odd. I have FLserver running on one of my network pcs at home, and although I am behind a NAT/Firewall I have forwarded ports 2302-2304 and the server is accessible from the internet AND from my LAN.

ALl good so far, but the server is running on a base XP workgroup machine, which could really be used to actually play Freelancer!So I had an idea: how about installing it on my domain server, which is permanently on?

Because it doesn't work! I have forwarded all the same ports and made sure ip filtering etc is off on the server, so in theory the ports are open on the server, but when I try and connect from my LAN no LAN games are shown; HOWEVER my server is now listed with my router's internet IP. Yet I can't connect, and the internet can't even SEE the server any more.

Obviously this has to be something to do with Windows 2000 server, undoubtedly a service pack fix or security issue, as the machine is (obviously) pingable and
up, it serves all the dns wins and dhcp for the network!

I am very irritated and puzzled by this, why it works fine on my xp workstation yet with all the same forwarding settings on the router it DOESN'T on 2k server is currently beyond me. it has dx9 etc installed, and it's a little old and slow but it runs the server (eventually) and seems to work fine for everything else.

I'll duplicate this thread to the MP section, anyone who has any idea what I've been stupid and missed please let me know!I'm tired, been playing FL too much (16+ hrs in 3 days, not healthy)

Copula eam se non posit acceptera jocularum

Post Fri Mar 14, 2003 4:24 pm

I have Windows 2000 Pro installed here myself. While I am able to get the Internet Game list. I show as not even connected in the LAN options. And even if I refresh my list I get nothing.

You say you run Windows 2000 Server. I'm not sure what the difference is to me just running Windows 2000 Pro. But I am having the same problems regarding LAN play.

Post Fri Mar 14, 2003 6:44 pm

Does it say on the system requirements that 2000 is supported?
I know its very similar to XP's OS Kernel, but XP was made to run games...

The fact that your win2k is a server version should not stop the dedicated server application from running though... I used 2k prior to XP... and most games worked... whether they officially supported it or not

The few games I found that didnt work on 2000, I wasnt bothered with anyway

Welcome to the Darkness

Post Fri Mar 14, 2003 6:46 pm

See Xp hosts it fine and it is essentially a modified 2k pro base (5.1+) build, so it is probably not too bad in terms of being equal. However!Server by default, because it is security oriented, will have blocks - just not sure what. All the correct ports appear open and you'd thin that a pc on the same LAN could connect fer gossakes, reagrdless of my NAT setup for outsiders.

But no, no. I simply can't see the server on the lan, only through the net, and I can't connect to the net one. I think that either a security setting or patch has somethignt o do with this, as it shouls work just to run those ports.

Maybe I shuold install a software firewall and open those ports specifically! But then I'd have no net access >

to resolve that I;d need to turn ip filtering on and then open all necessary ports which SHOULD be open in the first place.

Arse! Anyone got any ideas?

Copula eam se non posit acceptera jocularum

Post Fri Mar 14, 2003 6:49 pm

"Windows® XP, Windows Me®, Windows 2000®, or Windows 98 SE® (Windows NT® and Windows 95® are not supported)" - straight from the readme!

Plus I can't see people building a dedicated server only on xp - 2k server was meant for stability and uptime (yes, I know, it's MS) and is a better option, esp. as a server rarely serves only one function.

SOMEONE out there must have had this problem!

Copula eam se non posit acceptera jocularum

Post Fri Mar 14, 2003 6:56 pm

I wish I could say I had the same problem... but I don't use a server-system..
Only have 3 computers, dont need a server lol....

So that means everything upgrades to the latest O/S...

I don't know if its possible to get hold of a copy of Windows .Net... thats the XP server (near as damnit lol).... so if it works on XP, it should work on XP/.Net Server ... fault.mspx

Think you can register and download the current trial/beta "Windows 2003 Server"... Thats about the only thing I can think of to see whether its a Win2K Server issue...

Welcome to the Darkness

Post Fri Mar 14, 2003 11:25 pm

Yeah but tbh I'm not going to arse around with my entire domain just to jig a 2k server which should work into running a server app with a 10 mb silhouette in RAM. It works fine on my other pc, and I guess I could set it up on any 1 of 5 other than mine, but the server would the most convenient. Always on, accesible to all my friends, etc.

I'm just thinking about what could be the problem, but I haven't managed to come up with anything yet. This isn't helped by 3 hrs sleep a night the last week. It's just so odd - I can see my sever dns resolved AND ip, ping it, access all shares, but when I run the server app... it doesn't exist. I still think it may be a port/directplay issue...

Copula eam se non posit acceptera jocularum

Post Sat Mar 15, 2003 12:57 am

Does this server system have 2 NIC's in it? and is it running internet for the rest of the lan?

if so there are a bunch of people with this problem.

Post Sun Mar 16, 2003 2:20 am

Basic diff between 2k server and Workstation (i.e. pro) is the number of allowed user connections (from the domain or workgroup side) Other than that, they're pretty close to being the same.

I run my persistent server under Win2k Pro and also have a Symantec vPN100 firewall. I forward UDP ports 2302- 2304 to this machine and force the server to listen on port 2304 with the /p switch on the command line.

On the original poster's W2K server, make sure you don't have TCP/IP Filtering enabled or if you do, make sure you tweak it to allow the proper ports/protocols for Freelancer and also for DirectPlay.

My server's problem is frequent spontaneous reboots, caused by the FL Server. I get lots of warning messages on the console like this:

E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Common\CEqObj.cpp(454) : *** WARNING: alloc_equip: Archetype[0x8000bec6 not supported/equippable!

and this:

E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Server\space\StarSys.cpp(540) : *** WARNING: StarSystem::enter(): CLI(2) System(Li02)

I've reapplied all the Win2k service packs, bolted in the latest drivers for everything, new BIOS for the motherboard and it still takes out the entire machine.. Anyone got any ideas?

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