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Multiplayer, and my Observations

Want help in running a persistent server? Want to setup a gaming session? Look no further!

Post Fri Mar 14, 2003 7:09 am

Multiplayer, and my Observations

While I didn't take the 3 hour quickie route, I did get a 30 level+ character with 24 hours of multiplayer game time on the ELITE server. It was satisfying, especially with multiplayer chat, but not quite enjoyable in the longrun ... the only interesting things to do is explore and make new trade routes. Once thats done, then what? Make a new character to go on the rat race again? The following is a rant of what I feel. It might not be totally coherent due to its length, but as I said I'm typing it as I think of it

I'm really, really, really hoping that a mod would be introduced to somehow make it more lengthy and enjoyable. Perhaps ... even ... make all the ships ... even in quality?! ;D *gasp* (You know, trade offs and balances and perks) Well, whatever. I'm not sure what's possible or not with the mod community but I hope that something will be released to add some spice and longetivety to the MP aspect of the game. Random events, NPCs doing this, or that ... probably the most unique feature would be making the players more involved.

This situation reminds me a bit of BattleField 1942. The servers can only handle up to 30 players or so due to the intense demands of the game, and that doesn't create enough slots to give the feel of the infantry advancing, the tanks crushing, the planes bombing of war ... it's too sporadic. I feel the same way about Freelancher. With the max being 30-ish on a server at any one time, it makes it more difficult for players to just mish mash and blend together and seeing what results. What I think:

>>>On a 20 or 30 player server, most players are either <5 or >25 in rank. Their spread out all over the universe, and only in major systems such as NY, NTokyo, NBerlin, or NLondon one might see a few on the list or even one or two in orbit. Otherwise, you mostly leave each other alone and freelance, leveling up by yourself (groups are too chaotic to stay together past one convoy, imo). After some time, depending on what you do, you'll eventually hit R30+ by yourself ... and somewhat bored, you start over again.

>>>On a hypothetical 100 (or >30) player server; if constant and fast, could possibly result in players who see a server which can handle many groups at one time and create clans, guilds, etc to take advantage of that. Frex:

-A player pirate group focued on hitting gold transports in Dublin, and Bretonnia at large claiming the land as their own. Pirating is dull by oneself, not being able to land on planets, but with a group it's more immersive and enjoyable. Your friends are buccaneers, so who cares if your only factional allies are the Corsairs and Mollies?
-Then the independet traders, who are now quaking in fear of losing an entire market and being eaten alive by players focused on hitting other player transports for the thrill of it. The result?
-Security. Escorts and bounty hunters who are paid a % to protect convoys from those pirates. If taken seriously enough, groups with good reputation and equipment could command higher rates or convoy jumps then shabbier ones.
-Perhaps another pirate group wants a piece of that action of Dublin gold and there is now a turf war? Or it could just rinse, repeat for Liberty, Rhineland, and Indep worlds. Politics and alliances all over!

Is the above likely? At the moment, not a snowballs chance in hell. I believe some mods would have to be done to have less of a difference between weapon and ship stats, as well as the clumsy chat interface. I haven't seen a server yet adequately hold more then 32 without lagging hor .. rrib ... bly. *flashing red icon* Maybe the mods could do it. Maybe MS or the developers will release a patch or software to accomdate for it. Even an expansion pack ... I must admit; while I know it wasn't designed for MP and done as a tack-on, the iffy feeling I get that it could've been so much more only wets my tongue more then if it would've been single only.

Post Fri Mar 14, 2003 7:13 am

Oh course, in order to make it feel more like a MMORPG, death should have greater consequences too and should be avoided at all costs ... just like to mention that. What's my Level 32 character doing, by the way? Mapping out a Trade Route which will be as long as possible making the most amount of money ... not much else to do except watch the newbs and lower rankers scramble up.

Post Fri Mar 14, 2003 9:25 am

Ya if the game can handle 128 players( I heard that evne 250 is possible with right server) then why doesnt MS or DA provie a few offcial servers. With theta many player your absolutly right that there would be way more interaction. Right now most servers you form a group with friends say 3 or 4 of you, and you do your own thing. Sometimes see another person that either attacks you or goes about their business. Not really very interactive. Too reach the goal of the devs, which Im sure was to have player interaction and players choose certain roles to play, they need the server capable of handling at least 64 smoothly. I like the multiplayer and I like the games size, but its just too big for even 32 players to inhabit. Ill definatly be playing the game for a while, and Im sure ill come back to it evey once in a while. But to have long lasting appeal it needs an improved muliplayer. Lets hope DA reads these forums.

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