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Transfering MD accounts

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Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 11:39 pm

Transfering MD accounts

I have a problem with the transfering of the MB accounts from my server to another.Every time I copy the account to the new Server and the clients connect/enter to them all enemies are "neutral". But on my server everything is allright.

I copied the dir .../MyGames/Freelancer/*.* to the new server. Are there a second location of stored data?? or what is wrong.

IcE thx for helping!!!


Post Sat Mar 15, 2003 11:16 am

No answer ??? pz help

Post Sat Mar 15, 2003 3:59 pm

You should not move the whole directory structure only the character file only the ones with the .fl ext.

You have to find out which account your user is and move it in to their account dir, it works fine then.

I run two servers on at work and one at home, the work one is a LAN only the other is 'ANUBIS MAIN SERVER' and move accounts on a dily basis to and from each with no probs..


Post Sat Mar 15, 2003 4:08 pm

Only move the full directory, if the same account already exists on the server..
I believe the server remembers which accounts have connected in the accounts.cfg file... so if theres an account dir there thats not connected before it doesnt know what to do..

Although you can copy any ones character into anyones account dir and then.... well its obvious that some naughty-admins can make their own character use someone elses possible lvl 38 character etc...

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