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The Finer Points

Want help in running a persistent server? Want to setup a gaming session? Look no further!

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 7:42 am

The Finer Points

Ok, was going to go to bed, but I can't resist... must vent frustration! Wow! Is this game ever misleading! So as it turns out, fighting for cash is not such a hot idea. I've played through the single-player enough to get a taste... made my way to Bretonia and started to branch out a bit. Having a LAN, I figure it's time to branch out a bit and freelance with my buddies. No real desire at the moment to go on the net yet. So we fired up a server and jumped in. I've made it farther than the rest of them and managed to make some good cash. You start out with barely enough money to buy a rock to throw and there's these guys in the bar charging $57,000 to "marginally improve your rep" with some b.s. faction you've never heard of. Needless to say, you ignore them. So you hop in your ship and start blowing the c**p outta people. Get enough cash, buy a defender. Take on some more missions and then you're piloting a barracuda or something. I managed to fly that around for a while and keep myself entertained. Got drunk and woke up the next morning with a Valkyrie and a few hundred thou in my pocket. SWEET! Farted around some more and tried to explore the "known" universe. Can't find anything interesting to buy. No new toys. No point in taking on piddly little missions that barely pay for the gas. I don't even stop to dogfight with people who jack me in a trade lane (unless they use those f***ing disruptors on me when I try to do them a favour by letting them live and running away). There isn't a computer opponent in Liberty, Bretonia or Rheinland that gives me pause for concern. I haven't bothered with Kusari yet cuz it's all the way at the other friggin end of the map. THe bandits are weak, until you get to their home-base by flying through a jump-hole that you stumbled uppon while flying a mission or just cruising around. Had my first run-in with a TItan. YIKES. :-P Sux. I've had a few guys show up along the way in bars with the "i" symbol and gained some info on places I've never seen before. So I check them out and get CREAMED every time... as it turns out, they're occupied by people wo WANT ME DEAD because I've been making thousands by assasinating their worthless punk a**es! So I go online and find this, the only useful freelancer site that I've seen. I've found some pretty sweet tips here, but nothing that has really changed the way I play the game. I saw the "eagle", "sabre", and "titan" ships and I WANT them!!! BADLY!!! Or I'm goin back to counter-strike or something foolish. I also have seen the way people respond to such requests... "FIND IT YOURSELF!!!" I get it, no noobs. So here's the thing... I don't want anyone to tell me where to find specific things... just a better system for playing the game. This game is INFORMATION OVERLOAD! And my BIGGEST complaint is that the game doesn't do a good enough job of managing the information for you. Your log should include information that is ACTUALLY USEFUL! And organize it in such a way that you can find what you're looking for and cross-reference it more easily. I shouldn't have to come online to this site to find out what the best trade routes are, because all of the information has already been shown to me. You just need an IQ of 2000 to memorize it all (and I'll be d***ed if I'll keep a flight-log bigger than my great-uncle's WWII logbook just for a friggin computer game)! I shouldn't just get best-price readings when I click on a good that is for-sale at a station, or I have in my cargo hold. I WANT A UNIVERSAL STOCK-TICKER when I go into the bar, not just what this friggin station sells!!! But I doubt this post is gonna make that happen. So guys, there's a question in here somewhere... ah, yes. The information guys in the bar, is that the only in-game way to gain info on new systems? Do those guys just randomly appear? Or do you have to fly a certain number of missions before they volunteer info? I've already ticked off the corsairs, and it seems they have something that I want. I'll need a way to better manage my alignment with different factions if I want to get deeper into this game and travel to uncharted places. Big problem, I've been ignoring those guys who will fix my rep. Now that I actually have the cash and the need, I don't remember who will fix what and on what base they are. THERE'S NO WAY I'm gonna visit every base I've been on just to get that info. So yeah, I need a better system of managing info for a guy who wants to fight his way through. (There are other guys on the lan who are the freighters, I'm one of the escorts)
Basically, I've reached a point in the game where I know there's something I've missed, but I need a lead on what it might be before I can try to figure it out. There's too many possibilites for me to go by trial and error. That would result in a reformat.

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 7:54 am

Boy you would of hated the elite series of games

When I first found this site I read everything in the forums. I'd recommend you do the same thing..

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 12:31 pm

well m8,u said u wanted a titan badly,well u aslo said u ticked off the corsairs so thats that idea out for

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 3:58 pm

Ah, it's under spoilers... never thought to look there.

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 5:29 pm

playing sp would be another alternative, and it only takes 12 hrs or so

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 6:01 pm

Click here

and well, its not hard to remember most important stuff anyway but well, if you can´t use the tool

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