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Lag blasting: Funny yet deadly for the hapless 56ker

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Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 6:11 am

Lag blasting: Funny yet deadly for the hapless 56ker

Has anyone else seen the 'lag-blasting' effect?

I have only ever seen it while flying round with groups of real players, where suddenly a yellow or red lag spike icon appears on your screen, and you see players flying around, firing one massive blast each 5 seconds or so, releasing 5 seconds worth of laser fire in one go.

Funny thing is that the game tries to play the firing sound for each shot in the blast, which comes out as a sort of garbled shotgun-like sound. To top it off, you even see the ships reverse a few metres each time they fire, so you really get the impression of recoil...

You can normally tell when people are gonna start lag-blasting each other cos you start getting chat lag of up to 30 or so seconds...

Pretty wretched I know... Luckily it doesn't happen often...

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 10:52 am

Well a friend of mine experienced somthing like that in MP. The little annoying red "thingy" started to blink angryly on him and all the red little outcast ships that where there just a second ago dissapeared from his screen. He continued roaming around for a minute or two awaiting there return so he could finish them of and all of a sudden there where a large BANG and all the ships went back on screen. The BANG came from thousands of energyblasts on his ship wich had destroyed him without him being able to do anything about it .

He was a bit upset by this :p. Even though i warned him that it could happend. Same thing happened me once just that it was on fellow in my group who was boored when we experienced heavy lag and started shooting straight forward into space. When all the buffered data got to the server it looked his aiming up and concluded that he had hit me with a couple of thousands hits. You can guess the results from that .

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 10:55 am

And to answer your questin i have seen the "lag-blasting" effect to. Looks kinda cool if you ask me . And all of a sudden my friends sabre has transformed into an starflier or something. It almost looks as he is traveling in a speed faster then light traveling like 1k in no time at all .

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 1:33 am

I managed to avoid a large fire fight by ducking into a trade lane...however the lag warning icon appeared and even though I was flying down the lane my shield was registering hits. Soon my nano's were gone, then the dull started to buckel. BOOOM. And this all happened when know one was about...not even friendly/neutral players.

Thats a real lag pain in the a** for you!

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 2:59 am

Nothing is worse than spending the last of your cash on a full load of commodities, flying for 10 mins to get to particular base or planet, selling the goods, and getting lag-disconnect after you transfer your goods to the trader, but BEFORE he gives you the money for it...

Considering I had done that right after crashing into planets twice in a row with full cargo holds (1 time it was a stunt, the other I tried to 'hotlane' a planetary docking ring but forgot to select it first), I had pretty much ****ed my character on that server...

I started a new char and become a pirate. Now THAT is fun, and incredibly difficult if you do what I did and started hunting cargo ships the straight away before buying anything... You basically become a very poor pirate who can't take missions from pirates cos they dont like you enough, and you can't take missions from the police cos then the pirates will hate you again!

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 10:35 pm

I have yet to be able to buy a new ship in this game online. FOr some reason everytime I try to buy a new ship or equip a weapon I found I get d/ced.

On top of that the best server I've found still gives me the yellow symbol occasionally..

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