Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 7:34 pm

My guide to why cheating is pointless.

Ok.... This is game is relatively easy, for those that didn't know this, and to cheat in this game, is just about the dumbest thing you can do.

Getting uber in a day:

1: Do missions untill you have around 20k ( took me an hour and a half)
2. Buy a Rhino, and then do cargo runs from Denver to Huoston.
3. Once you have around 250k go to New Berlin, buy a Humpback, and then start doing diamond runs from New Berlin to New Tokyo( Take sigma13 route). There are also some things you can buy in New Tokyo that you can sell back in New Berlin( or near) Forgot what they were though.

4. Keep doing daimond runs untill you have around 2-3 mill. (You will be making 400k a run, so it shoulden't take to long). After you have your 2-3 mil, it is time to buy a ship. Goto Freeport 1 in Omega3 and fix your faction. If you want a Sabre, fix your Hessian faction, if you want a Eagle or Titan, I suggest fixing your Corsair faction because they patrol the areas around where the Eagle and Titan are.

So all of this took me an entire day of playing(and I didn't really know what to do, I was playing by ear) If I knew where everything was it would have taken me half the time.