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[Killswitch please respond!

Want help in running a persistent server? Want to setup a gaming session? Look no further!

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 7:16 pm

[Killswitch please respond!

Do you run that server? (_killing_zone_)

If so, can you please send me the file? or at least give me the password to get into the server??????


Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 7:29 pm

No, he doesn't.

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 7:35 pm

Well, I suppose you don't know who does.

It took me ten times longer to get to 38 ranking than any of you. I worked really hard to get that rank, and I deserve to be able to play on it. Those of you who act like I should just start over have'nt faced the injustice of losing their profile.

It's funny to see, the people who found a great server to play on and will never face what I and others have faced, are the ones that mock us and act like it's not a big deal. I guess it isnt a big deal to you because your profile is safe and sound, and you wont have to start over.

I refuse to start over. I want my profile back so I can continue to play with it. I made it far into the mp game and I want it back. I will forever be in here complaining until somebody can come up with a solution to this problem. A password to the server, my player file, something.


Edited by - smudge on 11-03-2003 19:35:57

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 8:25 pm

Complaining on someone else's site until another person fixes your account? Mod's wil love you.

Oh, and why do you use the word "you" and "you guys" in response to my reply? All I said was Killi doesn't run that server. I dont know you, so don't be pointing fingers at me. Next time I wont be so eager to help you.

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 8:28 pm

Thank god you started this thread, these forums are hell to find other posts I made, the layout it crazy.

but smudge, I do not run the server, but I saw it running yesterday, I haven't checked today, but I swear it was up. Did you lose your record from the server or just cannot connect to it?

sorry it took so long for me to reply, I was busy today

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 8:46 pm


It's a only a game.. and a game that you've put at most a week of your life into. This stuff happens. You aren't entitled to anything that is sitting on someone else's server. At first I thought your post was a ROFL LOL LOL joke because the demands were so silly.

Track the guy down yourself, find another server and start over, start up your own server, or bring the game back to the store. Those are your options as I see it.

The only thing I like more than pie is having more pie than I'd like.

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 10:52 pm


I did not care for your attitude, and you did not help. If you had nothing helpful to say, why did you bother posting? Oh, I know.

Because you're a pecker.
(and probably a little girly man....You know you virgins are all alike!)

Edited by - smudge on 11-03-2003 22:53:04

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 11:06 pm

Exactly the kind of poster I thought you'd be. Witty, insightful, eloquent, and relevant.

How's your internet manhunt going? Have you widened your net and scoured all the forums and FL websites looking for that clue, that one tiny fragment of information which might lead you closer to obtaining your precious character file? I figured your time would be better spent starting over at level 1 on someone else's server...

It's just so stupid - even if you did obtain the file.. like any other server admin would say, "Sure, send me your perfectly legit (cough cough) Level 38 Character and I'll be more than happy to manually insert him onto my server! Afer all, I want to do my best to make sure YOU'RE happy!"

The only thing I like more than pie is having more pie than I'd like.

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 11:10 pm

Ok Pecker, that was a little bit helpful. I see your point. Then i should be pushing for the password...instead.

Ok. Now I know what my next move is, besides breaking up with your mother.

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 11:35 pm

Can someone please ban this guy?

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 11:59 pm

ya, he's getting out of control,

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 1:12 am

> I will forever be in here complaining until somebody can come
> up with a solution to this problem.

The solution to the problem is for you to shut up.

Alternate Solution A: Stick your head a little further up your butt so we don't have to hear you any more.

Alternate Solution B: Get a life.

Alternate Solution C: Get laid.

Alternate Solution D: Take a shower.

Alternate Solution E: Play SP or run your own MP server.

Alternate Solution F: Did I mention shut up?

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 2:04 am

Smudge, you really need to chill-out and obtain a realistic perspective from someplace. The problem with playing/creating your character on someone elses server is that it can go down or otherwise become unaccessible for any reason. The folks that provide this service certainly aren't obligated to leave them up and running 24x7.

If you can become so emotional over a computer game, I'd hate to see how you handle "real life" issues.


Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 3:46 am

i think this is quite funny. Smudge calls everyone a virgin... i bet he has only slept with guys

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 3:51 am

do you really think even a homo want to sleep with him?
don´t think so, so only chicken and pie left for him

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