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Server with 2 NIC

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Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 6:09 pm

Server with 2 NIC

I have a server with 2 Network Interface Cards. The server just start if I disable one of the NIC. As soon as I start the second NIC, the server crash.

Question: How can I run a server in a specific NIC (IP) ?

Thnks !

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 6:13 pm

Per the Readme file on the CD, the game has issues with 2 NIC's.

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 6:32 pm

Nothing very usefull.... Thanks anyway....

Anyone else ?

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 6:53 pm

I'm not 100%, but i don't think windows will let you specify the card you use. I think is just broadcasts through all cards. Then when the flserver gets a reply, it gets to much and crashes... but i'm not sure... just a thought.

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 7:23 pm

Good tought ! I mean, for example, you can specify a parameter for what port you want to use, using flserver.exe /P2302 (see ... cer&M=True).

So, I'm wondering if u can pass a parameter as a IP or something to instruct flserver to use the specific NIC.

(more people with the same problem: ... er&M=False )

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 7:36 pm

Not sure.. I have to nic's in my comp and I can host/join my own server fine. I just cannot connect to global server.

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 8:03 pm

This seems to be a problem only when you are doing Internet connection sharing from what I am able to glean. I am running a server with 4 NICs, Adapter Teaming, public and private IP address and I have absolutely NO problems. I can connect to the server via LAN or Internet. I have verified the proper IP address connection via a "packet analyzer".

The problem may be resolved by changing your servers port to something like 992. I believe the problem is that Windows gets confused because the pass-thru client and the server are trying to use the same port number, but that is just conjecture.

Try this and let us know if it works: flserver.exe /p992

Your clients will then need to add this: freelancer.exe /s<yourserver's IP>:992 (unless it shows up on the Global list then they will know what port to use from there).

Hope this helps... my apologies if not.

Frontier-Station SysOp

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 8:24 pm

Thnk u Arcane ! But, unfortunatelly, dosnt work..

When I disable one of the NIC, the server load ok. With both NICs enable, server dont load. If I disable one NIC and load the flserver it works fine but, as soon I enable the second NIC the server crash !

Pissing me off....

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 9:17 pm

Hmmm... that is interesting. Have you tried to rename the \My Documents\My Games\Freelancer\Accounts\Multiplayer\flserver.cfg to flserver.bak?

It maybe that something is in that file that is causing the problem. Make sure you enable both of your NICs before you try to run FLserver.exe again.

You might try to reinstall again, if you haven't already. Again, make sure both of you NICs are connected and linked (so that windows excepts them as "active" not just enabled).

Other than that I really don't have a clue. Like I indicated, it runs fine for me. In fact I have it on 2 server right now with multi-NICs...

Sorry, I wasn't more assistance...


Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 9:37 pm

> Hmmm... that is interesting. Have you tried to rename the \My Documents\My Games\Freelancer\Accounts\Multiplayer\flserver.cfg to flserver.bak?

Yeap !

> It maybe that something is in that file that is causing the problem. Make sure you enable both of your NICs before you try to run FLserver.exe again.

Done !

> You might try to reinstall again, if you haven't already. Again, make sure both of you NICs are connected and linked (so that windows excepts them as "active" not just enabled).

Done !

Other than that I really don't have a clue. Like I indicated, it runs fine for me. In fact I have it on 2 server right now with multi-NICs...

Sorry, I wasn't more assistance...

That's ok Arcane ! Thanks for your assistance ! Still not working anyway... If someone have more ideas, please, let me know.


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