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New York -> Magellan jump gate in multiplayer

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Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 3:53 pm

New York -> Magellan jump gate in multiplayer

Just wanna ask, can this jump gate in the NY system in the badlands work in multiplayer?

In single player, after the story mission, I was still able to access it to instantly get to Magellan without going through Cali. But now currently level 8 and using a Rhino and neutral with all Liberty pirates and good with the police, but keep getting Access Denied when I try to dock with the gate.

Can anyone tell me if in multiplayer that this gate is disabled? Or must there be a certain level or way to access the gate?

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 3:56 pm

check out this thred: ... er&M=False

what you are asking is being discussed there. It doesn't answer your question though but mabye someone will have the answer sometime soon.


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