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BattleShip MP Mod Idea

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Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 7:13 am

BattleShip MP Mod Idea

This has prolly already been thought of to be put into MP and a thread has also prolly been made about it, but i'm to tired to look. hard would it be to have a server host a MOD that would allow the purchase BattleShips (of differant types dependant apon ther Area (Liberty, Bretonia, Reinland, Kusari)) and would it be torally server side (where the users wouldn't have to dl it)?

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 7:00 pm

An interesting idea, but the FL mod community is still in it's infancy. Is there even a combined Win32 binary floating around that decompresses the .ini files?

The only thing I like more than pie is having more pie than I'd like.

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 7:06 pm

Yup, it is at the lancersreactor website..under editing or something like that.

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