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FlServer Help

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Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 1:14 am

FlServer Help

I am running the FLServer on my WinXP server that shares Internet access to my LAN at home, there are 2 other cmputers that get internet thru this server. I cannot get the FLServer to connect to list server unless I disable the LAN network card <which then means neither of the other computer can access the net>, I dont know if there is another way around this or if its something the developers must fix. I can run all kinds of other "game servers" on this machine and not have a problem but FLServer seems to get confused if it sees the 2nd Network card active in the system, I get "cannot connect to list server" in console until I disable the LAN network card then imediatly it connects to the list server.

please someone tell me how to fix this

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 2:31 am

The readme file on the CD states the game has issues with more than 1 tcp/ip device.

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 2:48 am

yeah I see this in the readme

Two TCP/IP devices - If you are experiencing issues with dropping network connections or a lack of ability to connect to Freelancer servers, please attempt the following:
o Exit Freelancer and ensure that you have a functional network / Internet connection.
o Disable the device that is not providing your Internet connection and try again.

but that is total crap... I cannot shut off my other computers fromt eh internet and I dont need to do this for ANY other game on the market, I have run Halflife <Counterstrike, DoD and other mods> Quake II & III, UT and ALOT of other servers on this box WHILE it shares the connection and I can play the SAME game from one of the other computers without a problem... this is just a result of a great game with serious issues and a game developer that released a BETA as a final.

Microsoft is behind this product, I am sure someone at MS knows how to make this work....

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 3:08 am

Then call MS's tech support, the number is at the end of the same file.

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 7:20 pm

Having the same problem... 2NICs and FLServer get confused

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 7:24 pm

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